| - Soon...
- Rain is a beautiful paint horse; a mare who falls in love with Spirit and later joins the Cimarron herd with him.
- Rain es una canción de The Cult que forma parte del soundtrack de Grand Theft Auto V. Se puede escuchar en la emisora Los Santos Rock Radio.
- Rain (蓮, Ren) connu sous le nom Parapluie (傘, Kasa) est un mage commun de Fearless Phoenix et le partenaire de Shimizu.
- Ted returns to the club to retrieve his phone, which he had left behind. He doesn’t find it, but he grabs an abandoned yellow umbrella and walks home in the rain. Future Ted reveals that his eventual wife had been at the club that night, but they did not meet and he's glad because he knows that if they had, she would not have liked him.
- rain (レイン) とはPlayStation C.A.M.P.が開発したアドベンチャーゲーム。雨の中、少年が目に見えない少女を探す物語。目に見えない少女を追いかけると、少年も透明になってしまう。雨に濡れている時だけお互いに姿を見ることができる。この雨の中では怪物も追いかけてくる。少年は攻撃する能力がないのでひたすら逃げながら行動していく。
- Rain is an Egyptian Archaic Age God Power in Age of Mythology, available to Ra. The power boosts Farm gathering rates for all players: by 200% for the player in question and allies, and by 100% for all other players. No other God Powers can be invoked while Rain is in effect.
- Rain is a wandering warrior whose goal is to explore the world and meet new people. She ended up in the camp of the Grand Alliance and met several people there. She is currently in a relationship with Razoul.
- "Rain" is a song on Moon Man's KKKriminal album. It was produced by A WhiteTopian. Dr. William Jefferson makes his first appearance in this song, introducing himself as a therapist sent by the KKK.
- Creates water puddles on terrain, douses fires, and makes characters Wet. Water surfaced can be electrified. 100% base chance to set File:DOS Status Effect Wet.pngWet+30% Chance to be Stunned-20% Air Resistance+10% Fire ResistanceWet + Chilled = Frozen
- Rain é um personagem da franquia de jogos Mortal Kombat.Ele foi introduzido em Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 inicialmente jogável apenas via códigos e ,de certa forma mais tarde,jogável na versão de Super Nintendo.Ele é um ninja em coloração roxa e também príncipe de Edenia,filho de Argus,protetor do mesmo reino e Elder God.
- Date of death: 10/8/2005 at 10:05am
- Rain 「レイン Rein?」 es un manga creado por Takumi Yoshino en noviembre de 2008.
- Raven fires a single, glowing arrow in a straight line toward his target. Holding the "Artes" button will fire a second arrow after 200 uses, and an explosion is added if the hit inflicts "Guard Break". Rain is also vital to one of the Secret Missions, in which Raven has to hit Yeager with it after breaking his guard, causing Yeager's heart to explode.
- Rain is a divine mare that is part of the Water divines. She can breed once with Geyser to give to a unique foal: Cloud. Rain has the ability to switch her skills every day. One day she is skilled at galloping, the next day, she is amazing in stamina. Rain increases your equestrian centre's crops by 5 percent. This does not apply to crops that are already growing when this horse is obtained. If you have a VIP account and own Rain, your horses will automatically be put to bed when groomed.
- Rain is something that only happens at the Watering Hole every 5 days. It prevents you from taking any colour but blue out as it will drown them the moment you take them out.
- Rain is a character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series. He made his debut in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3.
- Rain is a weak counter Tech used by Edible Frog`s.
- "Rain" (レイン, Rein) is the fifth and final opening theme for the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood anime series. It is performed by SID and replaces "Period" in episode 51.
- Rain – postać, występująca w modyfikacji Mroczne Tajemnice. Jest to przywódca bandytów, którzy napadają na konwoje z magiczną rudą.
- Rain is a random weather event which reduces the chances of some monsters appearing while increasing the chances of others.
- The small country Sunkwoll is in a tight spot because it's under attack of the great country Zarmine. But the general, Rain, who's reputed to be an exceptionally gifted swordsman, is against the war and won't enter the battle. But how is one supposed to wage a war like this anyway?
- Rain is a frequent occurrence in Lost, usually supporting dramatic effect and accompanying significant scenes or plot twists. __TOC__
- Rain (恋囚 (レイン) Rein?) is a member of the Kamisato Faction and a fortune teller with her sister Sunny.
- Rain jest piosenką z Bleach Beat Collection. Śpiewa ją seiyū Zangetsu, Takayuki Sugo.
- Shuya must make his way back to Noriko and Shogo, but as he makes his journey, he thinks back on the girls he didn't get to save and he makes a vow that there will not be anymore deaths and runs into another girl, can he save Mizuho Inada?
- Rain is a form of precipitation that is primarily water and forms when separate droplets of water fall to Earth from clouds. Rain that evaporates before reaching the ground is called virga.
- Oziandra "Rain" Thropp ( also known as Oziandra Osqa'ami and Rainary Ko) is the daughter of Liir and Candle Osqa'ami who was born at the end of Son of a Witch. She also appears in Gregory Maguire's Out of Oz, where she is the protagonist.
- "Rain" (「雨」 Ame) is episode index::10 of episode of::ViVid Strike! It was originally broadcast on published::December 4, 2016.
- Rain es un personaje de la serie Mortal Kombat, quien hizo su primera aparición en Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. Así como varios otros personajes de la serie, fue concebido como otro pallet swap de un ninja, esta vez color morado. En la versión Arcade de UMK3, Rain aparecía en unas pocas escenas de la intro, no obstante no estaba en el mismo juego hasta que fue incluído en las versiones caseras. Aún cuando no es un personaje de amplio trasfondo, ha conseguido aparecer en la película MK: Annihilation (interpretado por Tyrone Cortez Wiggins), la serie live-action MK: Conquest (interpretado por Percy Brown) y también en Defenders of the Realm. Para el videojuego, (UMK3) fue caracterizado por John Turk, también apareció en MK Armageddon y MK 2011 como personaje descargable.
- thumb|Rain rosa saltandothumb|Rain rosa rascandose la barrigathumb|Rain rosa observando algo Rain es la madre de Pichín y Pishay. Rain es amable y siempre anima a sus hijos a que sigan adelante. Es muy protectora con sus hijos, pero siempre les deja irse a jugar con sus amigos. Siempre hace la comida con sus hijos, hace la casa con sus hijos. Se llevan muy bien. Según muchos, son los más tranquilos y educados de la familia. Con eso, Rain siempre se sonroja.
- "Rain" is the third episode of Power Rangers RPM. It is the third part in the continuing storyline of Dillon becoming a Ranger. This episode marks the first appearance of Dillon as the Black RPM Ranger.
- Rain is the seventh episode in season one of CSI: NY.
- Rain has been eluding scientists for many years now. Not a lot is known about what it is or where it comes from. We know for certain that it has the properties of being wet, annoying and as I have previously stated; elusive. The four main theories as to the source of rain are as follows:
- Rain occurs when water vapour within clouds cools and falls, this is called condensation. Rain is a type of precipitation. It starts when the sun heats the water of rivers, lakes, etc. so that the water vapour ascends to the troposphere and because of the low temperature, occurs the condensation, it cools and turns into tiny water droplets that having a moderated amount, it happens the clouds. Then when there are a large amount of water droplets, the clouds begin to dark theirselves until they cannot hold the droplets anymore, that's when it starts to precipitate. If collected over time, rain can cause flooding.
- Is 14 years old Owns a fire breathing mechanical wolf
- Rain is lovable, playful, and fiercely loyal and cautious. She has a more mischievous streak sometimes, too.
- Rain is a song recorded by the Seatbelts from Cowboy Bebop. There are two versions of this song, one sung by Steve Conte, which is featured on the Cowboy Bebop album, while the other was sung by Mai Yamane, which is featured on the Cowboy Bebop Boxed Set and as a bonus track on Future Blues.
- Rain [04:44] is an Ugress track that appeared on the free EP Chromosome Corrupt EP. It features vocals by an unknown (female) singer.
- Water from the Middle Heavens
* Associated with Heler by the Heortlings Source: Book of Heortling Mythology
- Prince Rain is yet another son of Argus, half brother of Steven and Daegon, and a villain from the Mortal Kombat series of fighting games.
- "WTF!? No one cares about RAIN!?" - Stewie talking about rain. Rain, also known as precipitation for losers, is part of a storm; it is when water falls from the sky in little droplets, for those who live in Utah or something and have never experienced it before.
- rain is a type of weather. Rain causes water to fall from the sky. A nice thing is rain waters plants for you and certain creatures only appear when it rains.
- Rain (雨, Ame) is a bounty hunter, and the best friend of Roronoa Yoro whoes Real Name is Ryan Mist. He is labeled as one of "The Nine Hunters", the Nine rookie Bounty Hunters with a reputation of catching Pirates with bounties over 70,000,000. and is the second strongest member after Yoro. His current Location is Alabasta.
- ain is an arcade game that mixes puzzle gameplay with Tetris-like gameplay to produce a unique and challenging game. With distinct grungy graphics and its diverse gameplay, Rain is like any other puzzle game you've played! Rain features: Four different gameplay modes. 50 different puzzles to solve 32 trophies to unlock. Automatic game saves that store all of your unlocked trophies. Rain was a mini project made along with Bad Sector during production of Kingdom Keeper to keep the site moving. Weasle's grade: 7/10 Mortal
- Rain ist ein Planet, der 1000 VSY entdeckt wurde. Vom Weltraum betrachtet sieht der Planet aus wie eine blaue Kugel. Nach der Entdeckung des Planeten wurde Rain von den Tataren angegriffen. Vom Jahr 38 VSY bis zum Jahre 21 VSY war Rain unter der Gewalt der Bruderschaft des Bösen. Nach den sogenannten Bruderschaftskieg war Rain unter der Kontrolle der Glaktischen Republik. Als die Republik zum Imperium wurde, erkämpften sich die Rainaren ihre Freiheit.
- Rain is a fighting game character and antagonist who first appeared in Plasma Sword, the second game in the Star Gladiator series of 3D futuristic-themed fighting games.
- This used to be Sparrow's. I adopted it. I hope it'll be as good as she would make it! =D! RainxSwallow. That's a seriously ignored pairing! So, basically, this is set right after Rainwhisker died. And in my world, he and Swallowtail were secret mates.
- Questo programma, utilizzabile da shell, non ha altro scopo se non mostrarci (con caratteri ASCII) i cerchi provocati dalla pioggia sulla superfice dell'acqua. Non ci sono indicazioni sul suo autore, sul numero di versione o sulla data di rilascio. Il programma spesso presente dopo la prima installazione di una distribuzione GNU/Linux. Fa parte del pacchetto bsdgames.
- Rain is a featured weather condition in Advance Wars. All units are affected by movement in rain except for the ones under Drake's command. When Fog of War is in effect, rain will decrease vision range of all CO units by 1 space. In Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Fog of War is immediately enabled when it rains.
- Rain is a COB by Markham Carroll for Creatures, providing a refreshing break from those hot Albian summer days. It is based on the Snow COB by Cyberlife. Rain has the following effect:
* Coldness: +50 Rain can be downloaded from Markham's Norn Land. It uses the C1 class numbers:
* 2 3 15
- Rain is another son of Argus, half brother to Taven and Daegon, and a villain from the Mortal Kombat series of fighting games.
- Rain is a song written primarily by John Lennon, credited Lennon/McCartney. It was the B-side of Paperback Writer and was not released on an actual album. Ringo Starr said that this has his best drumming.
- Rain es el séptimo episodio de la primera temporada de CSI: NY.
- Rain is the wife of Future Trunks and Mother of Future Jin, that first appears in Dragon Ball SF "The After Future of Trunks and has a cameo appearance in Dragon Ball SF.
- Rain de Sid es el quinto y último tema de apertura de Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Éste se utiliza del cap 51 al 64; exceptuando el capítulo 61, que no posee opening,
- I wish I knew. I never heard of it before this. Evidently it's fairly powerful... Wait here's somemthing. Rain is a parastic organism discovered in 2013 at Site 7. Jason and Jennifer looking through files on X-Rain
- Rain (if that's your real name!), how dare you finish above Our Glorious Stephen in a meaningless list compiled by giddy teenagers and featured on the website of America's favorite liberal rag! Stephen didn't fight to defend your country (metaphorically!) just so you could come over here, take all our jobs, and steal his gravitas!
- Löydät Rainin Amherstistä istuskelemasta talonsa edessä heti kartan vasemmassa laidassa. Luokka:NPC Luokka:Ihminen Luokka:Tyngät
- Rain is a short story telling of Pridak's early life as a slave, his eventual escape, and his later revenge. It was created as an entry for The Shark Slave short story contest.
- Rain es un personaje aparecido en la serie de juegos de lucha de Mortal Kombat. Él es un luchador de Edenia con apariencia de Ninja morado. Al principio pensaron en Rain para que apareciera en el Mortal Kombat 3, pero en realidad no apareció hasta el Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3.
- Rain is something we're all familiar with, we've all seen water falling from the sky and we've all got wet when it rains. But when the rain stops and we get drought that's even worse.
- This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
- May 26: It hasn't rained in three months. Whole town's worried. We need rain in a little rural town like this. The crops. The reservoir. June 7: Marlene cries at night. The girls are worried too. I started going to church. June 16: No rain. Attending church almost every day. God will save us. June 28: Please, God, let it rain. July 1: No rain. July 4: We couldn't light off fireworks. Everything is too dry. I got out a Latin bible and read from it. Still no rain. July 24: No rain. Four months now. Are we cursed? August 18: Rain dance all night. No rain. I need stronger magic. It will rain tomorrow.
- sometimes when its quiet and dark and feeling lonely i spread my toes exhale and close eyes into further darkness to light up memories of rain feeling all wound up and ready to pop got twenty two dimes not ready to stop dont tell me ive found nothing if youre down on a slump ive got five times when something meant something for softer days when times were hard life felt new ready to be worn out spread to cure felt on top but years go by living it up in comfort and style feeling some unspoken emptiness thatd wreck this all things be told ive nightmares of being drunk
- She was contacted by Peter Schoppe, who asked her to hack into his boss' system and steal an EPO he had created. When Rain phoned him they analyzed the EPO she downloaded. The EPO somehow through the Internet connected with the machines network in the Real World and the pods and the two people saw on the screen a "machine world" with bald men inside pods, including a "clone" of Peter himself. Then Rain saw from a camera that suited men approached them.
- The rain throws itself onto the city of New Tokyo, liberally showering everything, from the shimmering rooftops of impossibly office buildings to storefront awnings adorned with holographic displays to the umbrellas of the hordes of millions upon millions of salarymen and women. The most affected district of the city is Akatsuki, here the rain mingles with the heady scent of human life. People crowd around food stalls, looking for a quick dinner before trudging home through the downpour. Bars and karaoke clubs almost visibly vibrate due to the bass and sheer amount of activity in them. Even the alleyways are filled with life, with vagrants, preying upon the drunk or inattentive.
- Every time I'm left alone My misery begins to drown me Tied by a rope of anxiety Thrown overboard As I'm pulled under the tides of this fast paced world I refuse to see [Chorus] Time will always be the thing that kills me truly Open these eyes waking from a dream feigning My lungs fill up with letdown Disappointment in self and everyone Expectations died in failure abandonment my unsavior As I'm pulled under the tides of this fast paced world I refuse to see [Chorus] Absolution at the sight of your demise I know what I must do Choke Die choking on your every word Swallow every blasphemy
- Rain returned in later titles but it was largely scripted and atmospheric in purpose with no particular hazard or environmental concerns associated with it - it was also often permanently associated with a particular location or time period, unlike in Blood Omen. Rain could be seen in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver in several locations such as the Necropolis, Drowned Abbey and Nupraptor's Retreat where it continually rained.[SR1][SR1-C4][SR1-C8] Rainfall returned in Soul Reaver 2 where a violent storm was shown throughout the Post-Blood Omen era, presumably as a demonstration of the consequences of the Collapse of the Pillars.[SR2][SR2-C5][SR2-C7] Rain was last seen in Legacy of Kain: Defiance where a milder storm was the backdrop to Raziel's infiltration of Vorador's Mansion and seemed to be
- Rain is a mysterious liquid that falls from the sky. It always falls from the sky in the Mushroom Kingdom which is what makes it depressing. In 1831, some weird guy discovered that rain was The King sweating. Then people where wondering why rain was always falling in the Mushroom Kingdom. So another weird guy stated that the Mushroom Kingdom was located at the back of the king's head, where the sweat falls. However, people found out that the king doesen't work out. Then people thought that the rain was one of Evil Guy's evil plans to drown the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario became suspicious and asked Evil Guy what was going on, and what was with all the rain? Evil Guys said that the rain doesen't look familiar to him. More people are making up where the rain came from. During the Videogame War,
- Debutó el 28 de abril de 2002 con su canción "Rain". Rain pasó la mayor parte de su infancia viviendo con sus padres y su hermana menor, Jung Hanna, cerca de la Universidad Yonsei. A pesar de ser un niño introvertido y tímido, se descubrió que tenía una pasión por la danza, cuando actuó en un concurso de talentos para la escuela secundaria. Inicialmente tuvo dificultades para combinar la danza y los estudios académicos por lo que recibió bajas calificaciones durante el comienzo de la secundaria debido a sus prácticas de baile frecuentes. Él decidió seguir su pasión y asistió a la Escuela de Artes en donde recibió su primera instrucción formal en actuación y donde pudo continuar el baile también.
- Rain es un personaje que fue introducido como una distracción por Ed Boon en Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, siendo una forma de extender el interés de los jugadores por el título. Básicamente, él es un personaje derivado de un palette swap de otro ninja, esta vez de color morado, debido a las bromas de Boon sobre cuál color de ninja no se había utilizado aún. La inspiración para crear a Rain provino de la canción "Purple Rain" de Prince, de quien Boon es fanático. Cuando Ed Boon decidió incluirlo como personaje seleccionable, la versión de arcade de Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 ya estaba lista y por cuestiones de tiempo tuvo que intervenir el attract mode para agregar fragmentos breves del personaje. En uno de estos fragmentos, Rain aparece corriendo hacia Shao Kahn para atacarlo con un combo en se
- Rain, also known as "The Sensational" Eric Herrera, Extreme Redefined, the Extreme Daredevil, the Benchmark, Rain, and the Hardcore Messiah is a wrestler in Future Wrestling Alliance, Hardcore Championship Wrestling, and Xtreme Pro Wrestling. He also owns Hardcore Championship Wrestling, the former developmental territory for Ultimate Championship Wrestling. His finisher is the Downward Spiral. His entrance music is "Different Than You" by The Exies. He has been quite a journeyman in his career in professional wrestling. The fact that used to haunt him for a long time was having success everywhere but High Voltage Wrestling. But after he saw more than his share of squash matches in lesser federations, he got the attitude that he would rather lose to wrestlers that are better than him than