| - The eponymous, hyperactive duo, who live by the rule of no work and all play. They spend most of their free time hanging out in the local convenience store or having all kinds of wacky adventures in their house, which lacks any kind of adult resident. They are both comic book nerds (although much less so than Oz) and get ecstatic about the tiniest things.
* Cloud Cuckoolanders
* Cool Mask: Fanboy has one, although he lacks any real powers.
* Cross-Dressing Voices: Nika Futterman as Chum Chum.
* Deuteragonist: Chum Chum.
* Expressive Mask: In this case, their masks are the same color as their eyelids.
* Expy: Fanboy resembles Sheen from Jimmy Neutron in appearance and behavior. His head also resembles Ed's from Tonic Trouble.
* Fat and Skinny: Chum Chum and Fanboy respectively.
* Fanboys: So much that they wear costumes that make them look like super heroes for all their life.
* Fanboy even names himself after this trope.
* Fartillery: Chum Chum's underwear "explodes" on Yo in "Prank Master".
* Gasshole: Both of them are this, but it's more prominent with Fanboy.
* Heterosexual Life Partners: To the point where they are intent on becoming "immortal companions" in "Fangboy". In "Separation Anxiety", their friendship is so strong that if they are apart, it causes a rip in the space-time continuum.
* I don't know about heterosexual...
* Hey, It's That Voice!: Fanboy is Rickety Cricket and Chum Chum is Adam Lyon.
* Keet
* No Indoor Voice: From "Total Recall":
* No Name Given / Only Known by Their Nickname: Both of them, though in "Seperation Anxiety" Fanboy reveals his true name, Tobias.
* Though that's just speculation, because the name he signs the letter with is "Lance Corporal Tobias Cranapple Fanboy III" as a reference to dramatic western movies. Whether any of the names used are actually his real name isn't very likely.
* No Sense of Personal Space: Both of them, but Fanboy is more prone to this.
* Ping-Pong Naivete
* Phlebotinum-Induced Stupidity: Fanboy literally loses his brain in "Brain Drain" and acts like an even bigger idiot than usual.
* Reality Warpers
* Screams Like a Little Girl: Fanboy in "Man-Arctica the Ride". The other kids all think it was a girl who was screaming the whole time.
* Superheroes Wear Capes
* Trademark Favorite Drink: Frosty Freezy Freeze, of course.
* Underwear of Power
* You Fail Linguistics Forever: Chum Chum.