| - L'AKM est une arme brièvement vue dans Underworld.
- The AKM (Russian: Автомат Калашникова Модернизированный; Avtomat Kalashnikova Modernizirovanniy or "Kalashnikov automatic rifle modernized") is a 7.62 mm assault rifle designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov, it is an upgraded version of the 7.62 mm AK-47 rifle and was developed in the 1950s. Introduced into service with the Red Army in 1959, it is the most ubiquitous variant of the entire AK series of firearms and it has found widespread use with most members states of the former Warsaw Pact and its many African and Asian allies. Production of Soviet rifles was carried out at both the Tula Arsenal and Izhevsk Mechanical Works.
- El AKM es un arma visto brevemente en Underworld.
- Several of the PLA soldiers and the General's men are armed with AKM's.
- The AKM is a rifle.
- The AKM is a weapon briefly seen in Underworld.
- АКМ - это улучшенная версия "AK-47". Принят на вооружение в 1959 году взамен автомата АК, является его дальнейшим развитием. В настоящее время в России он устарел и был заменён АК-74, хотя в бывших советских республиках и странах третьего мира до сих пор используется в том числе террористическими организациями. Это один из самых распространённых видов оружия в мире.
- The AKM is a 7.62mm assault rifle designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov. It is an upgraded version of the AK-47 rifle and was developed in the 1950s. Introduced into service with the Soviet Army in 1959, the AKM is the most ubiquitous variant of the entire AK series of firearms and it has found widespread use with most member states of the former Warsaw Pact and its many African and Asian allies as well as being widely exported and produced in many other countries. The production of these Soviet rifles was carried out at both the Tula Arms Plant and Izhmash. It was officially replaced in Soviet Front-Line service by the AK-74 in the late 1970s, but remains in use worldwide
- Some of Sal's men during the drug lab shootout are seen with AKM assault rifles fitted with black furniture.
- This is probably the only time in a motion picture where a Kalashinov-pattern rifle is seen jamming (yet it can happen, usually when a round pops up at a strange angle in the magazine, stopping the feed completely, and racking the action doesn't immediately eject the misfed round). Why this was noteworthy amongst firearms enthusiasts is because the AK series is considered some of the world's most reliable weapons and rarely experiences jams such as the one portrayed in the film.
- It has been used in every Rambo film after the first one.
- The AKM (Russian: Автомат Калашникова Модернизированный; Avtomat Kalashnikova Modernizirovanniy or "Kalashnikov's modernized automatic rifle") is a 7.62mm assault rifle designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov. It is an upgraded version of the AK-47 rifle and was developed in the 1950s.
- The AKM (; Avtomat Kalashnikova Modernizirovanniy or "Kalashnikov modernized automatic rifle") is a 7.62mm assault rifle designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov. It is a common modernized variant of the AK-47 rifle developed in the 1940s.
- HUD icon HUD icon Unlocked at Unlock cost To unlock Faction Kit Inventory slot Firemodes Rate of fire Accuracy Speed Stability Ammunition type Magazine size Reserve ammunition Starting ammunition Maximum ammunition Reload time Effect Damage Damage multipliers Velocity Bullet drop Suppression Health restored Armor restored Durability Range of weapon Maximum range Blast radius Recoil First shot recoil multiplier Recoil decrease per second Spread zoomed Spread unzoomed Spread increase per bullet Spread decrease per second Inaccuracy movement modifier Special feature Special features Unlocks Attachments Dogtag(s) Sound(s) ani Source of statistics The AKMS, a folding-stock variant of the AKM, makes an appearance in Battlefield Vietnam. It is issued uniquely to the Viet Cong Assault kit. The
- Compared to the AK-47, the AKM features numerous improvements mainly aimed at simplifying and speeding up mass production. Most notably, the AK-47's milled receiver was replaced with a stamped metal alternative that was far quicker and cheaper to manufacture.