| - Phineas: You know, Ferb, today we're in charge of our cousin's marriage. We get to pick the cake and everything. -Isabella peeks into backyard- Isabella: Whatcha doin'? Phineas: A marriage! Isabella (Lovey Isabella): For who? Phineas: My cousin! Ferb: We forgot his name. Isabella: Well, how about I tell Mrs. Flynn Fletcher? Phineas: Sure, I'm not in charge. Candace (from window): I'm in charge! Phineas: O_O Phineas: Just go, me and Ferb are going to think of something. -Isabella goes in the kitchen- Isabella: Hey, Mrs. Flynn Fletcher, what's the name of the person who's getting married? Baljeet: Hello!
| - Phineas: You know, Ferb, today we're in charge of our cousin's marriage. We get to pick the cake and everything. -Isabella peeks into backyard- Isabella: Whatcha doin'? Phineas: A marriage! Isabella (Lovey Isabella): For who? Phineas: My cousin! Ferb: We forgot his name. Isabella: Well, how about I tell Mrs. Flynn Fletcher? Phineas: Sure, I'm not in charge. Candace (from window): I'm in charge! Phineas: O_O Phineas: Just go, me and Ferb are going to think of something. -Isabella goes in the kitchen- Isabella: Hey, Mrs. Flynn Fletcher, what's the name of the person who's getting married? Mom: He's one of Ferb's cousins, I forgot his name. Isabella: Thanks, Mrs. Flynn Fletcher! -Isabella walks in backyard- Isabella: It's a mystery! Baljeet: Hello! Phineas: Hey Baljeet! Where's Buford? Baljeet: Sick. Phineas: Wanna help with our cousin's marriage? Baljeet: Sure! How about an ice statue like last time? Phineas: Yeah! But we need a blue beaver pet. Where's Perry? -Perry is at his lair- Major Monogram: Hello, Agent P. Today we heard that Doof is being a fool! Ha ha! He's making the Underwear-inator! Go stop him before his undies fall! -Perry leaves- Phineas: We're making the UK flag out of ice in the backyard with a real priest and stuff! Isabella: Want to test this by us getting married? Phineas: Sure! -Later, at Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.- -Perry enters by smashing through window- Doofenshmirtz: Oh, Perry The Platypus, some weird guy monkey destroyed the inator! This is how it happened: -Doof remembers what happend to the monkey- Doofenshmirtz: Now I have to wait for Perry The Platypus! -Monkey goes in Doof's room- Monkey: Oh Ah! Ah Nah! Raw! Doofenshmirtz: No! -Monkey knocks over inator, it breaks and zaps Doof- Doofenshmirtz: I'll be back, I'm going to change. -Monkey leaves- Doofenshmirtz: That's how it happened. Perry: Gryuuuuuuuuuuuu. (Is it Agent M?) Doofenshmirtz: Let's play the Doofenshmirtz VS Perry game I made for the XiiDS! (Xbox/Wii/DS) -Perry and Doof play to the tune of Jump and Duck- -Later, at fake marriage of Phineas and Isabella- Phineas: I do! Isabella: I do! -Isabella kisses Phineas on lips- -Phineas faints- Isabella: Did he die?! Ferb: No, he's never been kissed. Isabella: Ohhhhh. -Later, Phineas wakes up- Phineas: What happened? Ferb (whispering in Isabella's ear): Don't say a word- he'll do it again. Isabella: Nothing, it's time for the marriage! -Later at Doof's lair- Game: Player Platypus wins for the 89th time! Doof: Darn! Curse you, Perry the Platypus! -Perry leaves for wedding- Phineas: Sure, it's finished! Oh, there you are, Perry! -Isabella kisses Phineas again and he faints- Isabella: What? I love him!