| - Megachile acculta Cockerell 1931c: 540. Female. Type locality: Chichenitza, Yucatan [Mexico]. Type repository: MCZ 16269. Examined. Megachile (Acentron) acculta : Ayala et al 1997: 454 (D). ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Cockerell 1932: 13 (K). DISTRIBUTION. MEXICO: YU.
* 2. Megachile (Acentron) albitarsis Cresson Megachile albitarsis Cresson 1872: 263-264. Male. Type locality: Texas (Belfrage). Type repository: ANSP 2461. Examined. Megachile optiva Cresson 1872: 268. Female. Type locality: Texas (Belfrage). Type repository: ANSP 2445. Examined. Synonymy of Mitchell 1937b: 75. (Not M. optiva Provancher 1882: 232 [= M. (Megachile) relativa Cresson 1878].) Megachile newelli Cockerell 1908b: 262-263. Female. Type locality: Keatchie, Louisiana 8 July 1908 (W. Newell). Synonymy of Mitchell 1937b: 75. Megachile kallstroemiae Cockerell 1908b: 264. Female. Type locality: Mesilla Park, New Mexico, 27 July on Kallstroemia (Cockerell). Synonymy of Mitchell 1937b: 75. Megachile (Acentron) albitarsis Mitchell 1934: 303. Megachile kallstraemiae : Mitchell 1962: 165. (Misspelling). ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Robertson 1897: 350 (D, T); 1902: 49 (K as M. optiva); Cockerell 1914b: 432 (D, F, T as M. newelli); Cresson 1916: 110 (T), 126 (T); Graenicher 1930: 162 (D, F, L); Mitchell 1937b: 75-78 (R-FM, D, F); Hurd 1979: 2069 (D, F); 1962: 165-167 (D, F, L, R- FM); Moure 1948: 332 (K); Cane 1979: 127 (M); Ayala et al 1997: 454 (D). DISTRIBUTION. MEXICO: BC; CA; CH; CP; DU; GU; JA; MI; NA; NL; OA; SI; SO; TM; VC; ZA. U.S.A.: AR; AZ; FL; GA; IN; LA; MI; MO; NC; NM; TX. FLOWERS. Polylectic; visits 28 genera including Leguminosae, Compositae and others. Asclepias, Aster, Bidens leucantha, Cassia, Cephalanthus, Chrysopsis, Coreopsis, Crotalaria, Croton linearis, Cyrilla, Eryngium, Flaveria, Gaillardia, Galactia, Helenium tenuifolium, Helianthus, Ilex, Kallstroemia grandiflora, Lespedeza repens, Liatris, Melanthera radiata, Melilotus, Morongia angustata, Phaseolus, Pycnanthemum hypsopifolia, Rhus, Rudbeckia amplexicaulis, Sabal palmetto, Solidago canadensis, Stokesia, Verbena, Verbesina encelioides, Xiris caroliana. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly from May to September in northern parts and March to November in the south. MORPHOLOGY. Articulations of hind leg.
* 3. Megachile (Acentron) arnaui Moure Megachile (Acentron) arnaui Moure 1948: 328. Male. Type locality: Tacanas, Tucuman, Argentina, January 1947 (J. M. Arnau). Type repository: UFPR. DISTRIBUTION. ARGENTINA: TU.
* 4. Megachile (Acentron) beniensis Cockerell Megachile beniensis Cockerell 1927a: 19-20. Male. Type locality: Huachi, Beni, Bolivia (W. M. Mann). Type repository: USNM 29088. Examined. Moure (1942: 308) considered this species a synonym of M. ((Leptorachis) paranensis Schrottky. Megachile (Leptorachis) beniensis : Mitchell 1934: 302. Synonym of Megachile costaricensis Friese 1921: 80, see Hedicke 1933: 43. Megachile (Acentron) beniensis : Raw 2002 # 7: 3. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Myers 1935: 137 (Trinidad, West Indies; apparently a misdetermination). DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA: Beni- Huachu. BRAZIL: MT- Salobra.
* 5. Megachile (Acentron) breviuscula Smith Megachile breviuscula Smith 1879: 82. Female. Type locality: Orizaba, Mexico. Type repository: NHML 17a2498. Examined. The type is labelled "brevis" in F. Smith's hand. Megachile (Acentron) breviuscula : Ayala et al 1997: 454 (D). ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Cockerell 1905: 340 (K). DISTRIBUTION. MEXICO: VC; Orizaba.
* 6. Megachile (Acentron) candida Smith Megachile candida Smith 1879: 82-83. Female. Type locality: Mexico. Type repository: NHML 17a2417. Examined. Megachile candidella Mitchell 1930: 206-207. Female. Type locality: Mexico. Type repository: ANSP 4149. Examined. Synonymy of Mitchell, pers. comm. in Michener 1954: 100 (D, F, L). Megachile (Acentron) candida : Mitchell 1934: 303. Megachile (Acentron) candidella : Mitchell 1934: 303. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Cockerell 1896: 286 (K); 1899a: 12 (D); 1905: 340 (K); 1949: 450; Cheesman 1929: 145 (D); Mitchell 1930: 206 (D, L); Schwarz 1934: 19 (D); Moure 1948: 332 (K); Ayala et al 1997: 454 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BELIZE: Prieta. COLOMBIA: Magdalena- Cerro Patron (4000 ft), Rio Frio, Sevilla. GUYANA: Kartabo. HONDURAS: Zamorano. MEXICO: CP; GU; SL; TB; VC; YU- Chichenitza; Rio Nautla. PANAMA: Barro Colorado Island, Cerro Cobre, Chiva Chiva, Corozal, Farfan, Juan Mina; Panamá- Old Panamá, Panamá City, Pedregal, Pueblo Nuevo, Taboga Island, Tocumen. TRINIDAD. FLOWERS. Elvira biflora, Melampodium divaricatum. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly most of the year.
* 7. Megachile (Acentron) civilis Mitchell Megachile civilis Mitchell 1930: 208-209. Female. Type locality: Villarrica, Paraguay, February 1923. Type repository: Meyer. Megachile (Acentron) civilis : Mitchell 1934: 303. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Moure 1948: 331, 334 (D, K); Silveira et al 2002: 211 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: AM; SP. PARAGUAY.
* 8. Megachile (Acentron) costaricensis Friese Megachile costaricensis Friese 1916: 341. Female. Type locality: San José (Schmidt) and San Mateo (Burgdorf), Costa Rica. Type repository: MNHU. The combination is based on a paratype female in USNM. Megachile (Acentron) costaricensis : Raw 2002 # 7: 3. Hedicke (1933: 43) suggests M. beniensis Cockerell is a synonym. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Friese 1921: 80 (N, L, P). DISTRIBUTION. COSTA RICA: San José. NESTING. In bamboo stems. Cells lined with leaf cuttings. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly in July. PREDATORS. Possibly Coelioxys tectiformis.
* 9. Megachile (Acentron) dilatata Vachal Megachile dilatata Mitchell 1928: 344-346. Gynandromorph. Type locality: Corumbá, Brazil, April. Type repository: ANSP 4108. Examined. Megachile (Acentron) dilatata : Raw 2002 # 7: 3. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Silveira et al 2002: 211 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: MS- Corumbá; MT; PR. MORPHOLOGY. Intersexes.
* 10. Megachile (Acentron) eburneipes Vachal Megachile eburneipes Vachal 1904: 13. Male. Type locality: Tucuman [Argentina], 20 Feb 1898 (Girard). Type repository: MNHN. Examined. Megachile bernardina Schrottky 1913a: 209-210. Male. Type locality: Jundiahy, São Paulo, [Brazil] November 1900. Type repository: MZSP. Examined. Type missing left hind tibia and tarsi. Megachile (Acentron) bernardina : Mitchell 1943b: 663. Megachile eburneipes Raw : 2002 # 7: 3. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Vachal 1909: 10 (K); Strand 1910: 538; Schrottky 1913b: 247 (D); Mitchell 1930: 205 (D, M); Moure 1948: 332 (K); Cure et al 1992: 231 (D); Zanella 2000: 590 (D as M. bernardina); Silveira et al 2002: 211 (D); Viana and Alves Santos 2002: 11 (D as M. bernardina); Zanella 2003: 234 (D as M. bernardina). DISTRIBUTION. ARGENTINA: CA, La Rioja, TU. BRAZIL: BA- Conduru (Raw); MG- Viçosa; MS- Pedra Branca; MT; PR; RN- Serra Negra do Norte; RS; SP- Jundiaí.
* 11. Megachile (Acentron) florensis Mitchell Megachile florensis Mitchell 1943b: 671. New name. Megachile manaosensis Mitchell 1930: 203-204. Male. Type locality: Flores, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, 2 August 1924. Type repository: Meyer. (Presumably the citation "Flores" on the data label signifies that the specimen was collected on flowers.) (Not M. manaosensis Schrottky 1913a: 201. See Mitchell 1943b: 671.) Megachile (Acentron) florensis : Raw 2002 # 7: 3. DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: AM- Manaus.
* 12. Megachile (Acentron) hastigera Moure Megachile (Acentron) hastigera Moure 1948: 330-331. Male. Type locality: Curitiba, [Paraná, Brazil] 19 November 1937 (J. S. Moure). Type repository: UFPR. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Silveira et al 2002: 211 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: PR; RS.
* 13. Megachile (Acentron) illustris Mitchell Megachile illustris Mitchell 1930: 188-189. Male. Type locality: Chapada [dos Guimarães, MT], Brazil (H. H. Smith). Type repository: ANSP 4142. Examined. Megachile (Acentron) illustris : Raw 2002 # 7: 3. DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: MT.
* 14. Megachile (Acentron) itapuae Schrottky Megachile itapuae Schrottky 1908: 238. Female. Type locality: Encarnacion, Paraguay. Type repository: MZSP. A female determined by Schrottky and labelled "METATIPO" in MZSP is a member of this subgenus. Megachile (Acentron) itapuae : Raw 2002 # 7: 4. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Schrottky 1913a: 143 (K), 183 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: SP- Botucatú. PARAGUAY: Encarnacion.
* 15. Megachile (Acentron) lentifera Vachal Megachile lentifera Vachal 1909: 10. Male. Type locality: Rio Grande do Sul, Brésil. Type repository: Vachal collection, MNHN. Megachile limae Schrottky 1913a: 176-177. Female. Type locality: Jundiaí, São Paulo, [Brazil]. Type repository: MZSP. Synonymy of Moure 1941: 92 (D). Megachile morosa Mitchell 1930: 209-210. Female. Type locality: Buenavista, Bolivia. Type repository: Meyer. Synonymy of Mitchell 1943b: 663. Megachile (Pseudocentron) limae : Mitchell 1934: 303. Megachile (Acentron) lentifera : Mitchell 1943b: 663. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Schrottky 1913a: 142 & 144 (K); Mitchell 1930: 223 (D as M. limae); Moure 1942: 309, 1944a: 16 (D as M. limae); 1948: 332 (K); Sakagami et al 1967: 272 (D, L); Silveira et al 2002: 211 (D); Viana and Alves Santos 2002: 11 (D as M. limae). DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA. BRAZIL: PR- São José dos Pinhais; MS; MT; PR; RS; SP- Vila Ema. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly from November to May in Paraná.
* 16. Megachile (Acentron) manaosensis Schrottky Megachile manaosensis Schrottky 1913a: 201. Male. Type locality: Manaus, AM, Brazil. Type repository: MZSP. (Not M. manaosensis Mitchell 1930: 203. See Mitchell 1943b.) Megachile (Acentron) manaosensis : Raw 2002 # 7: 4. Schrottky considered this species to be similar to M. curvipes but it differs morphologically. Padre Moure (pers. comm.) suspects it is near M. civilis and M. verrucosa, both members of Acentron. DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: AM.
* 17. Megachile (Acentron) pallipes Smith Megachile pallipes Smith 1879: 71. Male. Type locality: São Paulo [de Olivença], Amazon, [Brazil]. Type repository: NHML 17a2445. Examined. Megachile pallidipes Dalla Torre 1896: 443. [New name, but not indicated as a replacement name. Evidently intended as a correction. Invalid emendation, D. B. Baker pers. comm]. Megachile (Acentron) pallipes : Moure 1948: 334. DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: AM.
* 18. Megachile (Acentron) permunda Cockerell Megachile permunda Cockerell 1912d: 56. Male. Type locality: Natal, [RN], Brazil (W. M. Mann). Type repository: AMNH. Examined. Megachile (Acentron) permunda : Raw 2002 # 7: 4. DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: RN.
* 19. Megachile (Acentron) tupinaquina Schrottky Megachile tupinaquina Schrottky 1913a: 202-203. Male. Type locality: Jundiaí, São Paulo. Type repository: MZSP ? Megachile (Acentron) tupinaquina : Moure 1948: 332 [key]. DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: BA; GO- Goias; MG; MT; PB- João Pessoa (Raw); SP.
* 20. Megachile (Acentron) veraecrucis Cockerell Megachile veraecrucis Cockerell 1896: 285-286. Male. Type locality: San Rafael, Vera Cruz, Mexico, 18 June (C. H. T. Townsend). Type repository: USNM 9659. Examined. Megachile (Acentron) veraecrucis : Ayala et al 1997: 454 (D). ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Cockerell 1932: 13-15 (D, K). DISTRIBUTION. MEXICO: VC; YU.
* 21. Megachile (Acentron) verrucosa Brèthes Megachile verrucosa Brèthes 1909: 255. Female. Type locality: San Bernardino, Paraguay (coll. K. Fiebrig). Type repository: Museo Nacional [presumably Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”], Buenos Aires, Argentina. Megachile (Acentron) verrucosa Zanella 2000: 590. Megachile (Prionepistoma) verrucosa : Moure ms name. Prionepistoma is a nomen nudum (Silveira et al 2002: 204). ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Zanella 2003: 234 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: RN- Serra Negra do Norte. PARAGUAY.
* 22. Megachile (Acentron) villarricensis Mitchell Megachile villarricensis Mitchell. 1930: 207-208. Female. Type locality: Villa Rica, Paraguay. Type repository: Meyer. Megachile (Acentron) villarricensis : Mitchell 1934: 303. DISTRIBUTION. PARAGUAY.