Ehrye on Ko-Matoran joka tiesi Ko-Metrun Mahtikiekon sijainnin.
Ehrye ist ein Ko-Matoraner aus Metru Nui.
Ehrye was a Ko-Matoran.
Ehrye jest Ko-Matoraninem i jednym z sześciu Matoran, którzy znali miejsce ukrycia Wielkich Dysków. Starał się o pracę w Wieży Wiedzy na Metru Nui.
Ehrye was an extremely fast member of The Order of Hobos who couldn't think of his own jokes so he plagiarised "Whose line is it anyway?" He frequently visited Pohatu outside the Colisium and did everything he'd seen on Whose Line the night before. He is currently the janitor and fry cook at Mcdonalds. He is the creator of Thornax Stew, and has many lawsuits against him involving parasites from the stews "secret ingredient" (Vezok's poop). The stew also was the cause of the destruction of The Archives.
Ehrye es un ambicioso Ko-Matoran nativo de Metru Nui y uno de los seis Matoran que conocía la ubicación de un Gran Disco.
Ehrye was a Ko-Matoran who found one of the six Great Kanoka discs.