| - Isle Royale is an island of in Weddell, under supreme Freezelandian control, located in the northwest. The island and the surrounding smaller islands and waters make up Isle Royale Provencial Park. It is in the state of Weddell, but a trading port, and provincial park for Freezeland, in the province of Snowbourne. The island is 72 kilometres long and 14 kilometres wide, with an area of 535,43 square kilometres (535.43 km2, depending on types of English), making it the largest natural island in Weddell, and the fourth largest natural island in the water around Antarctica. As of the 2007 census there was no permanent population. After the island was made a provencial park, some existing residents were allowed to stay; and a few leases are still in effect. Ferries from the USA land at the harbour on the eastern end of the island; this has a lodge, campground, and information centre. Ferries from Freezeland also run to Isle Royale on the western end, which has a visitor centre and campground. Isle Royale is in Freezelandian waters (even though it is closer to the USA coastline). In 2005, Isle Royale was set off from Snowbourne as a separate province, "Royale & Weddell", but the treaty was dissolved and it returned to Snowbourne. The highest point on the island is Mount Scowsha at 425 metres, or about 240 metres above sea level.