| - Dinosaur Neil is a character from the animated television series, The Tick. Voiced by Danny Mann, he is a near middle-aged man with a thick moustache who works at a dinosaur park, apparently as a mascot: he is always seen wearing a green dinosaur outfit. However, he is actually a paleontologist.
- Dinosaur Neil first appeared as a kind hearted and intellectually curious paleontologist and dinosaur biologist who worked at a disosaur themed park. He always wore a dinosaur costume to work, despite the seriousness of his studies, and researched the cloning and reanimation of dinosaur tissue from fossilized sample. One day while explaining the process to Arthur and the Tick, Neil accidentally mistook a rapidly growing sample of self replicating dinosaur protiens for his pasta salad, and ate it. Neil immediately began to feel the anxiety producing effects of eating the tissue, but it was not until later that it bagan to alter his own DNA, combining it with that of a dinosaur, and causing him to grow and his skin to keratize rapidly. Neil soon grew to enormous proportions and went on an un
| - Dinosaur Neil first appeared as a kind hearted and intellectually curious paleontologist and dinosaur biologist who worked at a disosaur themed park. He always wore a dinosaur costume to work, despite the seriousness of his studies, and researched the cloning and reanimation of dinosaur tissue from fossilized sample. One day while explaining the process to Arthur and the Tick, Neil accidentally mistook a rapidly growing sample of self replicating dinosaur protiens for his pasta salad, and ate it. Neil immediately began to feel the anxiety producing effects of eating the tissue, but it was not until later that it bagan to alter his own DNA, combining it with that of a dinosaur, and causing him to grow and his skin to keratize rapidly. Neil soon grew to enormous proportions and went on an uncontrollable rampage through the City. The Tick and Arthur were no match for the giant beast form of Neil, and were at a loss for how to bring him back to normal and stop him from destroying the entire city. Arthur fortunately remembered Neil telling them that the protiens were contained from uncontrolled expansion by acetylsalicylic acid, commonly known as asprin. The Tick and Arthur asked a pharmacist to prepare a giant asprin casule which they would force Neil to consume, and bring him back to normal. When the rampage was brought to a halt, Neil appologized and returned to his job.
- Dinosaur Neil is a character from the animated television series, The Tick. Voiced by Danny Mann, he is a near middle-aged man with a thick moustache who works at a dinosaur park, apparently as a mascot: he is always seen wearing a green dinosaur outfit. However, he is actually a paleontologist.