Ka'Narlist was a dark elf and ilythiiri. He was also the archmage and ruler of Atorrnash. His home was known as Ka'Narlists Keep and dominated the city. He was also a worshiper of the elemental evil, the god Ghaunadaur.
Ka'Narlist war ein äußerst mächtiger Magier und der Herrscher der Stadt Atorrnash. Er lebte lange vor den Kronenkriegen und war ein Anhänger Ghaunadaurs.
Ka'Narlist was a dark elf and ilythiiri. He was also the archmage and ruler of Atorrnash. His home was known as Ka'Narlists Keep and dominated the city. He was also a worshiper of the elemental evil, the god Ghaunadaur.
Ka'Narlist war ein äußerst mächtiger Magier und der Herrscher der Stadt Atorrnash. Er lebte lange vor den Kronenkriegen und war ein Anhänger Ghaunadaurs.
Ka'Narlist was a dark elf and ilythiiri. He was also the archmage and ruler of Atorrnash. His home was known as Ka'Narlists Keep and dominated the city. He was also a worshiper of the elemental evil, the god Ghaunadaur.