| - Bring it, bring it baby! What's up! Yo, y'all ready to rock out there! Let's settle it and do all right! Bacchikoi! Everything's ok! Here it comes! Aha come on! Oh my god! Oh my god! Yesterday's failures left you crushed? Much apreesh! Much apreesh! You got sauce all over your new clothes! Don't mind, don't mind, the tears in my eyes No matter how hungry and angry i get, I'm dashin for some donburi like a jet! We're always gonna be brothers, yo! Headwinds, gales or hurricanes, we got this! C'mon! Even if we're apart, we are all under the same sky. So smile, stand firm, Let's do it! Do it! Do it! Bring it, bring it baby! Even if the sun doesn't say 'yeah yeah' Bring it, bring it baby! We'll dream a dream together, yeah yeah! Bring it, bring it baby! No matter what happens, stay in the fight
| - Bring it, bring it baby! What's up! Yo, y'all ready to rock out there! Let's settle it and do all right! Bacchikoi! Everything's ok! Here it comes! Aha come on! Oh my god! Oh my god! Yesterday's failures left you crushed? Much apreesh! Much apreesh! You got sauce all over your new clothes! Don't mind, don't mind, the tears in my eyes No matter how hungry and angry i get, I'm dashin for some donburi like a jet! We're always gonna be brothers, yo! Headwinds, gales or hurricanes, we got this! C'mon! Even if we're apart, we are all under the same sky. So smile, stand firm, Let's do it! Do it! Do it! Bring it, bring it baby! Even if the sun doesn't say 'yeah yeah' Bring it, bring it baby! We'll dream a dream together, yeah yeah! Bring it, bring it baby! No matter what happens, stay in the fight, yeah yeah! Bring it, bring it baby! No matter how dark the night, morning will bring the light, yeah yeah! Nanananana.... Bring it!