| - Qwark mentioned that prior to All 4 One, he had encountered at least two Z'Grutes previously, also due to accepting an award that he had not actually earned. In a last-ditch effort to destroy Captain Qwark, Dr. Nefarious invited Qwark to a fake ceremony to receive an Intergalactic Tool of Justice Award. Ratchet and Clank tagged along to make sure everything was okay. During the ceremony, Nefarious appeared and ordered Lawrence to awaken the Z'Grute (who was suspended in cryosleep). However, the doctor's plans went awry when the Z'Grute turned on him and went on a rampage through the city, consuming every energy source it could find. Also, awakening the Z'Grute attracted the attention of the evil Creature Collector, who sent his minions to Luminopolis to capture the beast. After a citywide
| - Qwark mentioned that prior to All 4 One, he had encountered at least two Z'Grutes previously, also due to accepting an award that he had not actually earned. In a last-ditch effort to destroy Captain Qwark, Dr. Nefarious invited Qwark to a fake ceremony to receive an Intergalactic Tool of Justice Award. Ratchet and Clank tagged along to make sure everything was okay. During the ceremony, Nefarious appeared and ordered Lawrence to awaken the Z'Grute (who was suspended in cryosleep). However, the doctor's plans went awry when the Z'Grute turned on him and went on a rampage through the city, consuming every energy source it could find. Also, awakening the Z'Grute attracted the attention of the evil Creature Collector, who sent his minions to Luminopolis to capture the beast. After a citywide chase, Ratchet and Clank, with some reluctant help from Qwark and Nefarious, managed to defeat the Z'Grute by using the fusion turrets on Zogg Tower. The victory; however, was short lived as the Creature Collector, AKA Ephemeris, appeared and took not only the Z'Grute, but also Ratchet and the gang. During the final stage of the game, a Z'Grute (possibly the same one) is eaten by the Loki Master possessed Grivelnox, giving it the Z'Grute's abilities.