| - Dashing across a large lust green field with lotus leafs blowing in the air. The sun setting in a labyrinth of reds, oranges, and yellows colors panted the sky behind a forest line. Kami notices a shadowy figure beneath a large tree on the forest line. He ponders to himself as he closes in on the trees. "I'm coming back, Ranei, so, I'll see you then." Otonami mutters upon a window and then turns it off. Otonami deeply sighs as he notices someone approaching him. Who could that be? I've already had enough fights... "What brings you to my borders? Sir." Kami says in a sightly tense voice as he walks over to the male under the tree. Who the hell is that? Otonami thought. Probably another villageman. "Well...I had to find something on your area so. Part of a medicine thing." Otonami explained as he pockets his window. "What do you want?" " I was on my way from Kyoukokugakure when I seen you" Kami states "What is that you placed in you pocket?" "What medicine thing do you have on my outskirts?" "You have a rare royal jelly substance in your land where it's perched on trees. Although, due to its rarity, it took me some time to just find it. If I "invaded" your area, then sorry." Otonami says. "And the thing I pocketed is a thing in which you shouldn't be concerned of, it won't kill you, if that's what your worried about." "Invaded, No you are really in Konoha land. You are near my land. We recently was attacked by a Konoha army. That is my concern." Kami explains " For the pocketed item it was pure wonder." Crap...if he realizes that I'm Hokage...he'll fight me. Otonami thought as he took out the royal jelly. "Here, this is the thing I got from your land, anything else then?" "You can keep it" Kami says has he motions "So who are you, stranger?" "Ranei Kouten." Otonami lied as he takes out his hand. Our ninjas and ANBUs were here? I'm going to investigate this when I come back. "They was lead by a man named Warmarshal Ganza. He informed me he was not returning to Konoha." Kami states. "Your going to investigate? Do you hold a high power over Konoha?" Kami ask after feeling tension in the air. "But if i may, you should keep moving. Before my patrolling ANBU find you." "No, I'm fine..." Otonami replies as he decides to walk away. I think he's gotten me... He thought. "Hey, one more thing! Who did you say you was?" Kami says with anger forming in his voice. Otonami stops and looks at Kami, seeing the anger flashing off from his eyes. "I suppose you want the truth. I'm Otonami Sokudo...the current Hokage." Before Kami could reply, Otonami stops him by raising his finger. "Nuh-a-a-a-a-a-a. First of all...I have no idea of how the hell your forces came and attacked your village. Really...I don't." Otonami explains as he puts down his hands. "Can I trust him?" Kami thinks to himself. " If the attack did not come from your month, then you have a corrupted military. I need to get to the bottom of this in order to protect my village." Kami keeps explaining. "So are you going to help me or am I going to have to go door to door?" "Agh...first of all, I don't even have time right now." Otonami mutters as he looks at him. "I'll help you later, but, I know that you don't believe that I'm Hokage due to my young age. I have no idea of what your village is anyways." "You do look pretty young, but I assume its ok the take it your much older. As for my village I am the Koudokage of Kyoukokugakure the Village Hidden in the Canyon. As for Ganza, who may or may not be of konoha. He lead an attack as a Konoha ninja. So you can see my concern." Kami explains Ganza...that name somehow sounds familiar... Otonami thought as he stumbles upon it. "Kyoukokugakure, huh. Well..." Immediately, Otonami had a flashback in which he was arguing with Ganza on the Hokage office and he somehow mentioned the name for "Kyoukokugakure" and he abruptly leaves as Otonami left him to do his own thing. "Oh...him...well, in case if you haven't noticed, I let him go due to his little bad influence." Otonami mutters. "I'll help your village later, but, your little Ganza is in the bingo book if I remembered correctly." "Well before stumbling upon you I was looking to where he had gone. What is the bingo book?" Kami wonders "By the way, as for the few hundred ninja we killed I apologize...What is it you are hurrying to so fast?" "It's nothing...I can wait actually. But, I don't have the bingo book with me right now, sorry." Otonami replied. "Where can i find this bingo book? It can help me find him and his other labs." Kami replies. "It's at Konoha. Pretty far ways from here." Otonami says. "The bingo book is not important, regardless...we would like to offer you some information about something going on in your country, and possibly the rest of the world, that you aren't aware of," says a slender man, who Kami quickly identifies as Kazeyo, that appears to step out of thin air. "In exchange, I believe that both the Kage and I would like to extend the opportunity of an alliance in light of chaos that has be brewing in the Ninja World. Doing so would allow us to crush the proprietors of madness and maindropotain peace across borders." "Ah Kazeyo, I figured you had fell much farther behind" Kami says as he turns to Kazeyo. "Nah, it wasn't that far, plus you got a head start," Kazeyo responds. "But more importantly, what say you Hokage-san?" Otonami looks pretty sternly at both Kami and Kazeyo, and was very uncertain. "Hmm...I don't even know if your village is worth the try...I'm sorry, but, I don't know the strength of your village. It's very uncertain for now, I just got back for an important ingredient for a very special medicine." Which means...you're going to have to fight... Otonami thought to himself. "Well, if you want to see if our village is worthwhile...how about I show you the power of Kyoukoku shinobi?" Kami states "Kazeyo if you would step back please" Kami says as he preforms three hand seals, though it appears nothing happened. "Very well Koudokage-sama," says Kazeyo as he walks back 20ft and turns back in order to observe.