| - Yeah.
- {Angry at himself for being persuaded, but he'll help} You silver-tongued son of a bitch. All right, I'll take a couple shots. But if I see any of them coming for me, I'm running for the hills. We're done.
- {Boils into anger / Angry} You son of a bitch. After all I've risked you want more. Screw you, I'm leaving now.
- {Grim} Yeah, the mother of all minefields. I couldn't draw you a map if I tried.
- {Anger flares, ideally he should inadvertently sound funny / Angry} I already got problems, asshole. That little Slocum's Joe of yours is crawling with goddamn chrome-dome synth sons of bitches.
- {Very nervous, then gets intense / Irritated} Oh, thank god. Do you have a geiger counter? Do you have a goddamn geiger counter?
- {Incredulous and angry / Angry} You must think I'm a real dumb-ass to get myself killed for some song. Screw you.
- I got no idea what's in the crates, but there sure are a lot of them. I can't think of nothing else.
- {Irritation} The only activity I saw was at Slocum's Joes. But I wasn't watching every damned nook and cranny out there.
- {Deep relief} I was prepared, Wall is my witness, to storm them chrome domes myself. But you did instead.
- {Annoyed, suspicious / Suspicious} Who the hell is she? HQ said they were sending one agent. Not two.
- {Bone-deep relief, eager as hell to do something less risky / Grateful} Oh, thank the Wall. Listen, I'll take some pot shots with my rifle. It might even the odds once things go south.
- {Uncertain, very nervous / Nervous} I should be able to pick a path though the minefield. I can toss the explosives at the synths inside Slocum's.
- {Annoyed, suspicious / Suspicious} Who the hell is he? HQ said they were sending one agent. Not two.
- Well, chrome-domes have been going in and out for days. They keep taking things out. Crates and the like.
- {Disbelief, needs a drink } Once you get in your tunnel, I'll take as many of the chrome domes out as I can. I can't believe I'm doing this.
- {Nervous, bluster} I should be able to bullseye a couple of them chrome domes for you. No promises, though.
- {Catching his breath, really was scared / Relieved} That's better. My heart almost burst outta my chest.
- {Grim / Irritated} The front's fortified to hell and back. They've placed mines all over the goddamn place.
- {Moved by the player's words, then grudging heroism / Somber} It's that important? If I do this, that song better be goddamn beautiful, you hear me? I saw them place the mines.
- {Suspicious as hell} Leave me the hell alone, stranger.
- {Solemn, these are probably his last words and he knows it / Somber} Well, if I make it out alive - you goddamn owe me. If not, never let them forget good old Ricky Dalton.
- {Boils into anger / Angry} It's always just one more goddamn thing. Until I'm six feet under or bleeding out in some god forsaken ditch. Screw you.
- {Angry} To hell with you.
- {Annoyed} Damned straight.
- {Deep relief} *sigh* Glad that's over with.
- {Firm} Soon I will be, too.
- {Gruff} What the hell are you doing up here?
- {Gruff} What's a man got to do to be alone?
- {Irritated} Are you done wasting my goddamn time?
- {Irritated} You need something else?
- {Startled, scared / Puzzled} Wait, what?
- {Irritation bubbling over / Irritated} Escape tunnel? I don't know a goddamn thing about that. Listen if you headquarter's fellows want more help you got to give me more information.
- {Warning, serious} You should get the hell out of here. And don't look back.
- {Bitching} Go ahead, take your time. Not like I got better things to do.
- {Anger flares, ideally he should inadvertently sound funny / Angry} You think I'm goddamn safe? That little Slocum's Joe of yours is crawling with god-damned chrome-dome synth sons of bitches.
- {Grudging, good guy} Ah, hell. I suppose I could spare a few things. I don't want your deaths on my conscience.
- {Anger flares, ideally he should inadvertently sound funny / Irritated} I signed on for some light recon. But that little Slocum's Joe of yours is crawling with goddamn chrome-dome synth sons of bitches.
- {Considering, grim / Worried} After you get to your tunnels, I got explosives I might be able to use to take out the chrome-domes.
- {Almost angry / Irritated} So do you want me to do it or not, numbskull?
- {Anger flares, ideally he should inadvertently sound funny / Irritated} I signed on for light recon. But that little Slocum's Joe of yours is crawling with god damn chrome-dome synth sons of bitches.
- {Against his better judgment, think he's already a martyr} I feel for the synths and what they go through. But I have done more than my fair share. My patience is about worn thin with you Railroad types. What do you want?
- {Nervous as hell / Irritated} As soon as its safe, I'm getting the hell out of here. So if you need anything else, better ask soon.
- {Disgust} Tarnation! Damn raiders are worse than skeeters this time of year.
- {Folksy / Irritated} You know, them early model synths. Looks like metal wrapped over mechanical innards. You see them here and there doing who-knows-what for the Institute.
- Once your friend gets here, how about we have a chat, huh?
- {Tentatively relieved, lots of tension lashing out / Irritated} All right. The Wall is my witness, I thought I was dead. It's about goddamn time you headquarters bastards got here.
- {Very uncertain, very nervous } Assuming I live through that, the survivors will probably swarm me. But maybe, just maybe, I'll live through it.
- {Bitter, scared} If I haven't been made yet, I'll be spotted when I leave here. I'm goddamn trapped.
- {Musters sincerity / Apologetic} I hope it helps. I really do.