| - (Fade in on a sign labeled “TONIGHT: Bad Movies Anonymous 1:00-2:00” posted on a wall outside) Chester A. Bum: (voice only) And with any luck, I, too, can learn not to like every single movie I see. Other Voices: Thank you, Chester. (Dissolve to the Nostalgia Critic standing up to greet a small group of young adults in a room) NC: Hello, I’m the…Nostalgia Critic. (pauses) I remember it so you don’t have to. And… (He looks up to scan the entire group before lowering his head again in a bit of shame and speak quickly) I kinda like “Spider-Man 3.” (All the people in the group shout in outrage, and one male gets on a table to pound on it in rage) NC: (shrugs his shoulders) I do! I like “Spider-Man 3.” (Clips from the “Spider-Man” trilogy play as NC speaks) NC (voiceover): Well, okay, let me rephrase that. I like it about as much as I like the other “Spider-Man” movies, which—let’s be honest, people—are stupid, stupid movies! I mean, I love ‘em! I really do, in the same way that I love the first two “Superman” movies, even though they were goofy. But they’re just straight-up silly. Then again, what do you expect when your character looks like this? (An image of Spider-Man’s face is shown) Or even this? (An image of Emo Peter from “Spider-Man 3” making a silly face is shown) I guess I didn’t understand why the last film got so ridiculed when it seemed like the other two movies had just as many weird moments. Granted, they all had some good action scenes and they did address the dilemmas of being a superhero, but are we just going to ignore the really dumb moments? All those strange scenes that had us wondering if they were supposed to be funny or dramatic? It’s hard to tell sometimes, isn’t it? We hear about the guilt the college boy feels having maybe caused the death of his uncle immediately followed by a giant octopus man putting together a death machine! [They] don’t always go hand in hand, do they? These movies may be fun, but they were pretty loopy, too. NC: And I’m here to count down the top 11 weirdest moments in the “Spider-Man” movies. Why top 11? Because I like to go one step beyond. So, sit back and enjoy the Top 11 Dumbest Spider-Man Moments. (Clips from the Spider-Man trilogy start off the introduction before we see the title for “Top 11 Dumbest Spider-Man Moments”; Interlude to the first entry on the countdown)