| - Met'riv'aseinous (or known by his core name, Trivas) was born in the year 19 BBY on the ice planet Csilla. He was trained by an exiled Jedi Knight turned Grey along with another Chiss, Jorell. The three of them were exiled from the Chiss Ascendancy and formed their own small empire. The apprentices overthrew their master and took over the rule. During a war of conquest, Jorell betrayed Trivas forcing him out into the rest of the Galaxy. Trivas came into contact with others there, Sith and Greys alike and together, they formed the new Sith Council to rally all Sith. After some time, they settled the planet of Ni'novia and organized a new empire. Through these resources, Trivas reconquered his old empire and expanded it into the Nymean Ascendancy. When war broke out against the Galactic Alli
- Met'riv'aseinous (Trivas) was born in the year 19 BBY on the ice planet Csilla. He was trained by an exiled Jedi Knight turned Grey along with another Chiss, Jorell. The three of them were exiled from the Chiss Ascendancy and formed their own small empire. The apprentices overthrew their master and took over the rule. During a war of conquest, Jorell betrayed Trivas forcing him out into the rest of the Galaxy. Trivas came into contact with others there, Sith and Greys alike and together, they formed the new Sith Council to rally all Sith. After some time, they settled the planet of Ni'novia and organized a new empire.
| - Met'riv'aseinous (or known by his core name, Trivas) was born in the year 19 BBY on the ice planet Csilla. He was trained by an exiled Jedi Knight turned Grey along with another Chiss, Jorell. The three of them were exiled from the Chiss Ascendancy and formed their own small empire. The apprentices overthrew their master and took over the rule. During a war of conquest, Jorell betrayed Trivas forcing him out into the rest of the Galaxy. Trivas came into contact with others there, Sith and Greys alike and together, they formed the new Sith Council to rally all Sith. After some time, they settled the planet of Ni'novia and organized a new empire. Through these resources, Trivas reconquered his old empire and expanded it into the Nymean Ascendancy. When war broke out against the Galactic Alliance, the Nymeans were hit hard. Since then, the War has kept him busy organizing defenses and preparing assaults.
- Met'riv'aseinous (Trivas) was born in the year 19 BBY on the ice planet Csilla. He was trained by an exiled Jedi Knight turned Grey along with another Chiss, Jorell. The three of them were exiled from the Chiss Ascendancy and formed their own small empire. The apprentices overthrew their master and took over the rule. During a war of conquest, Jorell betrayed Trivas forcing him out into the rest of the Galaxy. Trivas came into contact with others there, Sith and Greys alike and together, they formed the new Sith Council to rally all Sith. After some time, they settled the planet of Ni'novia and organized a new empire. Through these resources, Trivas reconquered his old empire and expanded it into the Nymean Ascendancy. When war broke out against the Galactic Alliance, the Nymeans were hit hard. He led the Ni'novian Empire throughout the Galaxial War and through those hard times, but would not long survive the war. He was killed by Lucius Vos through the work of Siron just months after the end of the war, though his spirit did not leave until a year later.