| - Christian rozmawia z Jackiem o jego ślubie, który ma się odbyć za dzień. Christian opowiada o tym że jego ojciec nie pochwalał jego ślubu z Margo, i to dlatego nigdy nie nosił zegarka który dostał od ojca w dzień swojego ślubu. Jednakże, mówi Jackowi, że dobrze robi żeniąc się z Sarą i oddaje zegarek Jackowi, który od razu go zakłada.
- Jack stands on the beach before his wedding to Sarah and throws rocks into the ocean, while receiving life lessons from his father.
- The Watch is a special card found in the Decks of the Penny Arcade CCG.
- The Watch is a questing guild comprised of 6 key members and a number of sells-words. They were founded in 3562 AS by the Paladin, Gluttony, as a way of paying off the bail owed by the members, who were arrested prior to the forming.
- "[[|]]" es el primer mobisode de Lost. Muestra una escena entre Jack y Christian horas antes de la boda de Jack con Sarah.
- The Watch was a watchtower on the Golden Sun Plain. The Sparrow spent countless hours, day and night, staring into the sacred plains, constantly watching for any sign of movement, fulfilling the ancestral duty given by the Celestial Heavens.
- The Watch are (were?) closer-to-human-sized versions of Mr. Tock, who in turn had a strong mechanical resemblance to Dr. Beetle. After the events of Merlot's brief, ill-fated [ tenure as administrator] [[Chronology - Volume #|✣ ]], there is a distinct possibility that the Watch may no longer be looking out for the safety of the good old TPU (or Beetleburg for that matter).
- |} <default>The Watch</default> Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por Não creditados Imagens arquivadas "The Watch" é o primeiro mobisódio (episódios para celulares) de Lost. Esse mobisódio é centrado num flashback de Jack, no qual o mesmo conversa com seu pai antes do casamento com Sarah, em "Do No Harm".
- The Watch is an science fiction comedy film directed by Akiva Schaffer set for release on July 27th, 2012. It was originally titled "Neighborhood Watch", but Fox changed the name for marketing purposes, in order to disassociate the film from the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case in Florida.
- "The Watch" is the sixth episode of Season Four. It's a continuation of "The Wallet", and a recap is played before the first stand-up. This episode first aired on September 30, 1992.
- "The Watch" is the first Lost mobisode. Jack and Christian talk before Jack's wedding to Sarah.
- The Watch is a superhero title published by Phosphorescent Comics.
- "The Watch" è il primo mobisode di Lost. Include una scena in cui Jack e Christian discutano tra loro riguardo il matrimonio di Jack con Sarah, che si terrà in quella stessa giornata.
- The Watch (dt. Die Uhr) ist die erste Lost Mobisode. Gezeigt wird eine Szene zwischen Jack und Christian wenige Stunden vor Jack und Sarahs Hochzeit.
- The Watch is the name of an organization within the Colonial Navy which was formed during the Second Colony War. Created by Kron himself, the Watch served as a secret police force that watched the fleet for disloyalty, treachery and insurgent actions. Officers that were invited to enroll into the Watch were given no choice as those that refused often suffered from "accidents"; such as being thrown out of an airlock. The actual executions were not known to the rest of the fleet though it was known that Watch officers often were nearby during the incidents.