Hayabusa (also known as Hayabusa the Falcon) is the secondary antagonist of Disney's 36th full-length animated feature film, Mulan. He is Shan Yu's former pet and henchman. His vocal effects were provided by Frank Welker.
Hayabusa (also known as Hayabusa the Falcon) is the secondary antagonist of Disney's 36th full-length animated feature film, Mulan. He is Shan Yu's former pet and henchman. His vocal effects were provided by Frank Welker.
Hayabusa is Shan-Yu's pet saker falcon, who acts as his master's eyes and ears from the distance. At the end of the first film, his feathers are burned down by a fireball from Mushu, who then taunts him as "Mongolian barbeque". Doing so tames him and he gives Mushu and Cri-kee a ride, but isn't seen afterwards. In Kingdom Hearts 2, Hayabusa appears in the boss battle against Shan Yu. He can grab Sora, lift him into the air, and throw him.
Hayabusa the Falcon is Shan Yu's pet and the secondary antagonist of Mulan.