| - A new Numberjack is coming to the sofa. He is brown and comes after 9. You guessed it, it's number 10! All numberjacks:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10! 10:hey everyone i'm 10 nice to meet all of you but i have lots of boxes to move in so i'll be back! 4:I got him some buddy blocks. 3:Got him his launch pad. 0 and 1 are decorating the number 10. The alarm goes on. Agent 20:Agent 20 here things gone wrong! 3:But not for long! Agent 20:The Numbertaker is chasing 10! 4:Putting it on screen the Numbertaker IS chasing 10 but why? Agent 20:things with 10 will disappear! 6:This is a job for..... ALL OF US!!! 3:Best day ever! 5:Ok i get one of my buddie blocks to launch us speaking of launching,get ready for launching! 9 went down first, after the song and checking to see the room is clear. All:9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0! 8 is next. All:8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0! 7 is next. All:7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0! 6 is next. All:6,5,4,3,2,1,0! 5 is next. All:5,4,3,2,1,0! Followed by 4. All:4,3,2,1,0! Then 3. All:3,2,1,0! 2 came next. All:2,1,0! 1 came next. All:1,0! Finally 0. 5:Your first mission 0 and the first mission for all numberjacks! All:0! They all find numbers to land on. 5:If the Numbertaker try to get rid of 10 anything could happen if you had 10 people at a party the Numbertaker will scare a person or two and you'll only have 9 or 8 people left we gotta save 10 before it's too late! 7:Let's split up me 5 and 9 will check the beach. 4:Me,6 and 8 will check the cafe. 3:And 0,1,2 and me will stay here and let you guys know we saw 10. The Numbertaker saw 10 and suck him up into a 9. 10 (9):Hey that white guy changed my number down once now i'm a 9! 9:Everyone we saw 10 but the Numbertaker sucked him up into a 9! The Numbertaker suck 10 again (who's now a 9) into an 8. 10(8):Not again! The agent caller is finally used from Agent 107. Agent 107:more problems things in 10 changed into 9 then 8! Agent 12:Look at 10 it's a pattern 10,9,8! 7:That means he'll be a 7! From the numberjack caller, 2:2,1,0 and 3 saw 10 (8) he's trying to hide from the Numbertaker! 10 then changes into a 7,6 then 5. 10(5):Not again he sucked me up 3 times! All numberjacks started chasing the Numbertaker to save 10 until they`re all out of breath and the Numbertaker suck 10 (5) into a 4,3,2,1 finally 0. 10:NOOOO I'M A 0!!!!!! 5:We need brain gain to change 10 back to normal fast! 1`s buddy block starts the brain gain machine. All Agents:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10! Accidentally overdone it and 10 changes into a 20. 4:Get the Numbertaker to suck you up 10 times it's the only way! The Numbertaker suck 10 up 10 times until he's back into a 10 again. All numberjacks use brain gain to deal with the Numbertaker. All:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10!!!! They all are in the sofa. 10:How i'm i gonna tell my diary about this? 8:Just say we have the time of our lives! 10:Ok... Trivia:this is the first time all numberjacks go on a mission This is also the first time that the bigger and smaller numberjacks help 3,4,5 and 6 Season 3 onwords from now on 0,1,2,7,8 and 9. Will go on missions besides 3,4,5 and 6