| - Greatest Hits bezieht sich auf:
* 3.21 Greatest Hits, eine Folge in der Charlie zentriert wird.
* Greatest Hits (Komposition), ein Stück aus dem Soundtrack der dritten Staffel.
* Charlies Liste, eine "Greatest Hits"-Liste mit den besten Momenten seines Lebens
- The US version was released in 1992 and had red cover.
- Greatest Hits is the first compilation album by blink-182.
- Greatest Hits is the first greatest hits album by Kenny Chesney. The album was released on September 26, 2000.
- Charlie and Desmond embark on a journey to an underwater DHARMA station, which has the potential to lead to Charlie's death. Meanwhile, Jack and Sayid finalize their plan against the Others.
- Greatest Hits is an unofficial Duran Duran compilation album, released in Russia by Star Mark during 2006.
- Disgraced agent Roger Bloom appears to be involved in a string of bank robberies, Charlie resists becoming part of his new office's legacy, and an abduction will forever change the Eppes' lives and views.
- "Greatest Hits" is the twenty-first episode of Season 3 and the seventieth produced hour of the series as a whole. It was originally broadcast on May 16, 2007. When Desmond has another one of his flashes, Charlie is forced to come to terms with the notion that he might have to die to ensure everyone else's rescue. Meanwhile, Jack formulates a plan to combat the Others when they arrive the next day, but complications arise.
- <default><i>Unknown</i></default> ArtistUnknown ReleasedUnknown RecordedUnknown LengthUnknown LabelUnknown ProducerUnknown Moon Man's Greatest Hits album came out some time in late 2016.
- Label: Rhino/Warner Special Products Release Date: March 15, 2005
- "Greatest Hits" is de 21ste aflevering van Seizoen 3 van Lost.
- Greatest Hits is the twenty-first episode of season 3 of Lost. Charlie Pace is featured in the episode's flashbacks.
- Greatest Hits is the eleventh album by Mariah Carey, which was released in the United States on December 4, 2001 by Columbia Records. It is a greatest hits compilation album: CD 1 is primarily a collection of Carey's hits from 1990 to 1995, while CD 2 is primarily a collection of hits from 1996 to 2000.
- "[[|]]" es el episodio número 21 de la tercera temporada de Lost y 70 de toda la serie. Cuando Desmond tiene otro de sus destellos, Charlie debe entrometerse en el plan de Jack para hacer cumplir su destino y el rescate de los sobrevivientes. Este episodio presenta una inusual modificación en la línea temporal ya que vemos la visión de los Otros (6 horas atrás) junto al retroceso de Charlie.
- Greatest Hits is the name of a compilation album by comedy/parody band The 8th Horcrux, released on July 17, 2013. The album is a greatest hits release, as per the name. Originally, the album was slated to be called In the Pensieve after the song of the same name, but the name was changed. The album currently ranks as one of the most popular wizard rock releases on the internet music store Bandcamp.
- First Released: 1990 (Show All) Tracks: 16 Label: US: Warner Brothers
- |} Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por Não creditados Imagens arquivadas "Greatest Hits" foi o vigésimo primeiro episódio da 3ª Temporada e 70º episódio de Lost; foi ao ar em 16 de Maio de 2007. Enquanto Jack planeja se livrar dos Outros de uma vez por todas, Sayid descobre uma falha no sistema dos Outros que pode levar ao resgate de todos. Mas requer que Charlie faça uma perigosa tarefa que pode transformar as premonições de Desmond em realidade.
- Greatest Hits is a compilation album by Foo Fighters, released on November 3, 2009 through RCA. The album features 14 of the bands biggest hits from their albums Foo Fighters through the most recent release at the time, Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace. The album also contains two newly recorded tracks, "Wheels" and "Word Forward" as well as an acoustic version of "Everlong", which was also previously unreleased.
- [[Grafika:3x21 Wyprawa Jacka.jpg|thumb|left|Część rozbitków pod dowódźtwem Jacka]]Część rozbitków wyrusza w głąb wyspy pod dowództwem Jacka. W drodze Charlie podejrzewa, że Desmond prawdopodobnie ma kolejną wizję, ten jednak zaprzecza. Jack wyjawia, że poprosił Rousseau o pomoc w zlikwidowaniu Innych. Danielle demonstruje w jaki sposób chce wykorzystać dynamit z Czarnej Skały. Widzimy eksplozję - dynamit powala drzewo na ziemię. Jack tłumaczy, że Juliet oznaczy tak jak to obiecała Benowi namioty, jednak Inni zamiast kobiet w ciąży znajdą dynamit, który wybuchnie razem z nimi. I jak to mówi Jack: "Kiedy oni tu przyjdą, wysadzimy ich i poślemy do diabła..."
- [[Immagine:Clist1.JPG|thumb|left|La lista dei "Greatest Hits" di Charlie]] Charlie annota cinque momenti della sua vita su un foglio di carta. Ogni scena racconta uno di questi momenti che si è fissato nella sua memoria. [[Immagine:321-Charlie_Nadia.png|thumb|right|Charlie con Nadia]]