The first Marvel animation to appear on television was the Marvel Super Heroes by Grantray-Lawrence Animation in 1966. The series debuted on September 1, 1966 on a variety of television stations across America. The series is known for its extremely limited animation and for lifting the stories, dialogue and artwork directly from the comic books of the time. Each 30-minute episode was made up of three 7-minute chapters. There were 65 episodes in total. The show ran five days a week and featured a different Super Hero every day. Monday: Captain America Tuesday: The Incredible Hulk
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| - Marvel Superheroes: The Mighty Thor
| - The first Marvel animation to appear on television was the Marvel Super Heroes by Grantray-Lawrence Animation in 1966. The series debuted on September 1, 1966 on a variety of television stations across America. The series is known for its extremely limited animation and for lifting the stories, dialogue and artwork directly from the comic books of the time. Each 30-minute episode was made up of three 7-minute chapters. There were 65 episodes in total. The show ran five days a week and featured a different Super Hero every day. Monday: Captain America Tuesday: The Incredible Hulk
| - Mysterious Mr. Hyde / Revenge of Mr. Hyde / Thor's Showdown With Mr. Hyde
- At the Mercy of Loki / Trial of the Gods / Return to Earth
- Grey Gargoyle / Wrath of Odin / Triumph in Stone
- Enchantress and the Executioner / Giants Walk the Earth / Battle of the Gods
- Every Hand Against Him / Power of the Thunder God / Power of Odin
- To Kill a Thunder God / Day of the Destroyer / Terror of the Tomb
- Enter Hercules / When Meet the Immortals / Whom the Gods Would Destroy
- Absorbing Man / In My Hands This Hammer / Vengeance of the Thunder God
- Tomorrow Man / Return of Zarrko / Slave of the Tomorrow Man
- Victory of Pluto / Verdict of Zeus / Thunder in the Netherworld
- Chained Evil / Sandu Master of the Supernatural / Enchanted Hammer
- Trapped By Loki / Vengeance of Loki / Defeat of Loki
- Molto the Lava Man / Invasion of the Lava Men / Living Rock
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| - Chris Wiggins, Peg Dixon, Len Carlson
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First Aired
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Last Aired
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| - The first Marvel animation to appear on television was the Marvel Super Heroes by Grantray-Lawrence Animation in 1966. The series debuted on September 1, 1966 on a variety of television stations across America. The series is known for its extremely limited animation and for lifting the stories, dialogue and artwork directly from the comic books of the time. Each 30-minute episode was made up of three 7-minute chapters. There were 65 episodes in total. The show ran five days a week and featured a different Super Hero every day. Monday: Captain America Tuesday: The Incredible Hulk Wednesday: The Invincible Iron Man Thursday: The Mighty Thor Friday: Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner