| - The son of a Swiss clockmaker, Anderson often had an aggressive, some might say abrasive, approach to making his own way in life. Always the forward thinker, Anderson and his posse made his way out west in the early 1870's, hoping to find his fortune. When crossing uncharted rivers in the west, Anderson was faced with the problem of leeches, amongst other things, crawling up onto his privates. Using his quick wits, he quickly gathered things like backpacks and sleeping bags to fashion a crude form of leggings, that he hoped would do the trick. Things were going well until the fatal flaw his design arose-he had yet to invent the fly.
| - The son of a Swiss clockmaker, Anderson often had an aggressive, some might say abrasive, approach to making his own way in life. Always the forward thinker, Anderson and his posse made his way out west in the early 1870's, hoping to find his fortune. When crossing uncharted rivers in the west, Anderson was faced with the problem of leeches, amongst other things, crawling up onto his privates. Using his quick wits, he quickly gathered things like backpacks and sleeping bags to fashion a crude form of leggings, that he hoped would do the trick. Things were going well until the fatal flaw his design arose-he had yet to invent the fly. Enraged by his oversight, Anderson quickly disregarded his creation, selling the patent rights to friend Brom Trousers, for a measly five dollars. Trousers quickly amended Anderson's mistakes, and soon "Trouserleggings" or "trousers" for short (though often called "pants" in reference to the original inventor) were a triumph of form and function, and soon took America, and in fact, much of the world by storm.