| - Alright boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, children and old people, beauties and beasts, it's time for the Sixth Star Wars Fanon Wiki Awards! And now, here are your hosts: the one and only Darth Wylind and the stunning and amazingly talented Trak Nar, who also has a friggin' sweet hat! I know you're all anxious to begin, but hold on, little doggies! We've got a schedule to review: January 9–February 6: Nominations period. Nominate articles now! February 6–February 20: Voting period. February 20: Winners announced! When nominating, be sure to remember...
| - Alright boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, children and old people, beauties and beasts, it's time for the Sixth Star Wars Fanon Wiki Awards! And now, here are your hosts: the one and only Darth Wylind and the stunning and amazingly talented Trak Nar, who also has a friggin' sweet hat! I know you're all anxious to begin, but hold on, little doggies! We've got a schedule to review: January 9–February 6: Nominations period. Nominate articles now! February 6–February 20: Voting period. February 20: Winners announced! When nominating, be sure to remember...
* When you nominate an article, it doesn't have to be of novel length. Length does not necessary equal quality, and vice-a-versa. The Wiki Awards is about quality. Short articles can be awesome, too. Show them some love.
* As well, you don't have to nominate good articles and/or featured articles. Just because an article isn't well-known or hasn't been recognized doesn't mean it's not good. Note: This is not to say not to nominate long articles or GAs/FAs, but not to limit yourself to them.
* When nominating for best author, that doesn't mean the most well-known author or the author that has/have churned out the most articles. It is for the best. Keep that in mind. Be non-biased. Suck-ups will be shot. Just kidding...or are we? Thanks to Solus for coming up with those tips a couple years ago and for allowing us to use them again and again. So, let's do this! Oh, wait, what? Right, the rules. File:Rolleyes.gif