| - Nym indirectly caused the fall of both the Fortress of the Severed Hand and Dorn's Deep by stealing the elven and dwarven magical items from Dorn's Deep and then selling them to the goblinoid armies that proceeded to sack them both. The elves of the Severed Hand blamed the Dwarves of Dorn's Deep for the fact that the goblinoids had the items, since they were all from Dorn's Deep's treasury and haughtily ignored the Dwarves pleas of innocence. Divided, the two realms both fell to their respective goblinoid assaults and caused the bitterness between the elves and dwarves of the Spine of the World and Frozenfar that exists to this day. That such an act could cause such far-reaching devastation speaks nothing of the drow's utter lack of moral fibre. Nym is not above haggling, though usually only when faced with the prospect of being attacked by powerful and wealthy adventurers who would not only cost him business, but also possibly his life. However, to avoid these kinds of situations, Nym carries a collection of magical items to rival that of a certain Jarlaxle. Several powerful paladins have heard of Nym's evil actions and have vowed to put an end to it, hounding him through the Underdark and Frozenfar where he does most of his business, but Nym always manages to find a way to elude or defeat them. Nym is capable as a warrior, dabbles in enchantment and is as charming as they come, managing to allay the suspiscions of a camp full of escaped svirfneblin slaves who have a terrible fear of the drow pursuing them, but above all, he is a trader. His only goal in life is to accumulate wealth and he is highly proficient at doing just that.