Fallout is an action-drama series by Conversion, based on the Fallout computer game series. This series follows its own plot, and will only have references and background from the original game series. Although set in and after the 22nd and 23rd century, its retrofuturistic story and artwork are influenced by the post-war culture of 1950s America, and its combination of hope for the promises of technology and lurking fear of nuclear annihilation. Season one gives viewers more of a background of the entire plot, as episodes three to six have nothing to do with the main storyline. Season two picks up where episode two of season one left off, and continues the story. The series is CG animated, and was created by video-game enthusiast and millionaire, Peter Donald.
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| - Fallout is an action-drama series by Conversion, based on the Fallout computer game series. This series follows its own plot, and will only have references and background from the original game series. Although set in and after the 22nd and 23rd century, its retrofuturistic story and artwork are influenced by the post-war culture of 1950s America, and its combination of hope for the promises of technology and lurking fear of nuclear annihilation. Season one gives viewers more of a background of the entire plot, as episodes three to six have nothing to do with the main storyline. Season two picks up where episode two of season one left off, and continues the story. The series is CG animated, and was created by video-game enthusiast and millionaire, Peter Donald.
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| - Fallout is an action-drama series by Conversion, based on the Fallout computer game series. This series follows its own plot, and will only have references and background from the original game series. Although set in and after the 22nd and 23rd century, its retrofuturistic story and artwork are influenced by the post-war culture of 1950s America, and its combination of hope for the promises of technology and lurking fear of nuclear annihilation. Season one gives viewers more of a background of the entire plot, as episodes three to six have nothing to do with the main storyline. Season two picks up where episode two of season one left off, and continues the story. The series is CG animated, and was created by video-game enthusiast and millionaire, Peter Donald.