Overseer Bugs are a mass of chitin plates and ridges, with extremely sharp claws. With their wings, overseer Bugs can fly.
Overseer Bugs are a caste of Arachnids that play a vital role in their chain of command caste system. First termed King Bugs by SICON Intelligence, this was quickly changed when the true nature of their role in Arachnid colonies was understood. Overseers are a mass of carapace plates and ridges, from which hang eight legs with wickedly sharp claws. A pair of double-wings sprout up from the carapace which appear to barely able to keep it up in the air.
Overseer Bugs are a mass of chitin plates and ridges, with extremely sharp claws. With their wings, overseer Bugs can fly.
Overseer Bugs are a caste of Arachnids that play a vital role in their chain of command caste system. First termed King Bugs by SICON Intelligence, this was quickly changed when the true nature of their role in Arachnid colonies was understood. Overseers are a mass of carapace plates and ridges, from which hang eight legs with wickedly sharp claws. A pair of double-wings sprout up from the carapace which appear to barely able to keep it up in the air. The overseer bug provides a solid level of direct command over lesser bug sub-species and is capable of replacing a Brain Bug in the battlefield. However, it possesses none of the brain's awesome processing capabilities and has weaker psychic powers. They form a conduit between Queen, Brain, and Warriors, increasing the responsiveness of entire Bug swarms and so are often made priority targets of the Mobile Infantry.