| - However, it was confirmed by Historian Minas that they actually had civilizations up in the north, ruled by a unique system of government called Democracy, where their leaders do not have the power, and instead, it's run by the people and the councils they lived in. Their chiefs were called Presidents, and they were elected every fourth of a year. Despite the fact that the Ice nymphs are mysteriously gone, humans still study this "Democracy" and will possibly use it far later in their society.
| - However, it was confirmed by Historian Minas that they actually had civilizations up in the north, ruled by a unique system of government called Democracy, where their leaders do not have the power, and instead, it's run by the people and the councils they lived in. Their chiefs were called Presidents, and they were elected every fourth of a year. Despite the fact that the Ice nymphs are mysteriously gone, humans still study this "Democracy" and will possibly use it far later in their society. Like Island nymphs, Ice nymphs are a bisexual race that believe that their hearts should match their love, not what gender they are. Ice nymphs though, are not matriarchal like Island nymphs, so men also had rights in their society. Both genders can carry the same rights to land, fighting and running for political office.