| - Forbidden (zm_forbidden) is a Zombie Mods map in Counter-Strike Online.
- This song is the third part of the MTC series by S3RL. Similar to the previous songs of the same series, this song is about the forbidden love between a female machine and her human user.
- Raketoplán byl upraven pro výcvikové účely pro jednotky Nové republiky. Měl simulovat stíhačku třídy Alpha Xg-1. Byl vybaven zaměřovacím systémem pro třaskavé střely, ačkoliv pro ně nenesl odpalovací zařízení. Také byl zbaven svých laserových kanonů.
- I am looking at this article to look at exodia the forbidden one
- The Forbidden was a group of people cursed by the True Gods to live in isolation on Jazirat al-Gawwar in deep southern Zakhara in 1367 DR.
- Forbiddenin aseet oli poistettu, koska kapteeni Tycho Celchu lensi sitä aikana, jona häntä epäiltiin Imperiumin aivopesemäksi agentiksi. Vaikka aseiden puuttuminen hankaloitti Celchun osallistumista taisteluihin Forbiddenillä, hän kuitenkin pystyi lähettämään kohdistustietoja muille Konnalentueen jäsenille ja pelastamaan näitä taistelutilanteissa. Celchun lentäessä sukkulaa hänen kutsutunnuksensa oli Konna nolla.
- In the OCG and the TCG Advanced Format, Forbidden (禁止 Kinshi) cards, often unofficially called banned, are cards that players are not allowed to use in their Main Deck, Side Deck, or Extra Deck. There are no Forbidden cards in the Traditional Format; by default, all Forbidden cards are Limited in the Traditional Format. The following cards are Forbidden as of October 1, 2017 for the OCG, and November 6, 2017 for the TCG Advanced Format.
- The reason there are some forbidden Holomon is becuase they were deemed too strong to be used in standardized play. Others are just not capible of being used or just not wanted in standardized play. Due to malicous effects they can cause to the Holomon, The Holochips and The Holobases. However some people are accepting the Titans as well as the Elementals becuase of how the game developed in such that normal Holomon can defeat them. These Holomon are: Deus Titans Sick-Wit-it V-Man Elemental Beast Elemental Spirits #010 #0110 #0010 #0011 Digit Digital Data Drain
- Forbidden is now available for preorder on Subterranean Press and is coming out in December 2012. Forbidden is set after the events of Frostbitten. It follows another Elena Michaels and Clayton Danvers adventure.