| - A Council of Sages is the primary governing body of each city or town on the planet of Castor. Although the exact size and composition of a Council of Sages depends on the locality, each Council serves three primary purposes:
* To make and enforce laws for the the locality which it serves.
* To act as the judical body for its locality for most criminal and civil cases.
* To appoint a High Sage to represent the locality on the Panasagia.
- A group of Isparian Sages, also known as the Circle of Sages. Amongst others, they were responsible for the research on Shadow Hunter Armor, on the Soul Crystals, Chorizite , Gearcrafting.
- Ever since it's inception, Krysskralt has been a secretive place, visited only by those who have proven themselves worthy of walking it's streets. But there are many who are not worthy by their standards who have a thirst for knowledge. It was with this mindset that the Council of Sages was founded in 1102. Slowly but surely, the library grew in size. And as it grew, more scholars began to visit. The price to gain access to the books was simple and fair, one must bring a copy of a book or scroll. Original works were always welcome, but older works were preferred.
| - A Council of Sages is the primary governing body of each city or town on the planet of Castor. Although the exact size and composition of a Council of Sages depends on the locality, each Council serves three primary purposes:
* To make and enforce laws for the the locality which it serves.
* To act as the judical body for its locality for most criminal and civil cases.
* To appoint a High Sage to represent the locality on the Panasagia.
- A group of Isparian Sages, also known as the Circle of Sages. Amongst others, they were responsible for the research on Shadow Hunter Armor, on the Soul Crystals, Chorizite , Gearcrafting.
- Ever since it's inception, Krysskralt has been a secretive place, visited only by those who have proven themselves worthy of walking it's streets. But there are many who are not worthy by their standards who have a thirst for knowledge. It was with this mindset that the Council of Sages was founded in 1102. At that point in history, knowledge was concentrated to Krysskralt or individuals, both of which were reluctant to ever share their knowledge. But then Garard Heywood, a cleric of Damagon, decided that the Temple of Ioun in Lioq should open it's doors and gather knowledge itself. But rather than horde that knowledge, Garard insisted that the library they would form should be open to all. There was limited enthusiasm for such an idea at first, but Garard traveled to many other cities and visited many individuals in person. He offered a deal, that they donate one book to the new library, and in exchange, in five years hence, they could come to the library and get a copy of any book they had. Many were unconvinced, but a few fell in love with the idea. Slowly but surely, the library grew in size. And as it grew, more scholars began to visit. The price to gain access to the books was simple and fair, one must bring a copy of a book or scroll. Original works were always welcome, but older works were preferred. Eventually, there came a point when so many books were coming in, and so many scholars came searching for knowledge, that things got a little out of hand for Garard. It is said that his god, Damagon, came forth and helped him select several persons of keen thoughts and open minds. These few individuals would have the run of the library and were known as the Council of Sages. They stayed out of the politics of the city and region, declaring themselves completely neutral to all comers, whether they be Tieflings of Imperial blood, Liches of Drakkatul, Lycari of the North, or a Human from an outlying village. So long as their rules were obeyed, there would be no problems. Since that day, Lioq itself has remained removed from most issues of the world at large, all thanks to the Council of Sages.