| - Creates an exit in the specified direction(s). If is specified, it is linked to that room. Otherwise, it is created unlinked. You or anyone else may use the '<a href="/mediawiki/@link" title="@link">@link</a>' command to specify where the unlinked exit leads. Opening an exit costs 1 coin. If you specify , linking costs 1 more coin. You can specify a second direction list (after the comma), which is automatically opened in the room that the new exit goes TO and which is linked back to where you are. I.e. @open north;n=#1234,south;s would open exit 'north;n' from here to #1234, and an exit 'south;s' from #1234 to here, assuming you have rights to open exits and link to the rooms in question. The following switches are available: /location - Create the exit in your location (default). /inventory - Create the exit on yourself. Related Topics: <a href="/mediawiki/@dig" title="@dig">@dig</a>, <a href="/mediawiki/@link" title="@link">@link</a>, LINKING, OBJECT TYPES. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.