| - When the "Ultimate Drako" attacks the lair, he sends each of the Ninja Turtles to another world or an alternate universe (Splinter is sent to the Battle Nexus, and Casey is just left in the lair, wondering where everyone has gone). Some time after Splinter's death, Leonardo and Raphael both left the team, and since Donatello mysteriously disappeared for 30 years, he was not there to make them calm down and rethink things. So Michelangelo was left on his own. At some point, Casey died, Raphael lost one eye, and Michelangelo lost his left arm.
| - When the "Ultimate Drako" attacks the lair, he sends each of the Ninja Turtles to another world or an alternate universe (Splinter is sent to the Battle Nexus, and Casey is just left in the lair, wondering where everyone has gone). We see where Donatello was sent in Same As It Never Was. He is sent to a dystopian version of his universe, 30 years in the future. In this universe, the Shredder rules the entire world with an iron fist (literally), and the Ninja Turtles have gone their separate ways. Raphael blames Leo for Splinter's sacrifice to save them. Raphael argues with Leonardo, saying they should have gone back for Splinter, thinking they abandoned him instead. Donatello finds this out from Michelangelo, and briefly thinks that when Michelangelo says "Leo and Raph aren't with anybody anymore" he means that they are dead. They aren't. At least not yet. Some time after Splinter's death, Leonardo and Raphael both left the team, and since Donatello mysteriously disappeared for 30 years, he was not there to make them calm down and rethink things. So Michelangelo was left on his own. At some point, Casey died, Raphael lost one eye, and Michelangelo lost his left arm. Raphael fought Karai to avenge Leo's death after she stabbed him, but Raphael ended up getting killed by her also. In his final moments, he crawled to Leonardo, calling his name, trying to apologize for all the years he spend resenting his eldest brother. Raphael was the last of the dystopian turtles to be killed (first Michelangelo, then Leonardo, then Raphael) and it was eventually normal Donatello that killed the dystopian Shredder, leaving a middle-aged April to help rebuild the world.