| - Elaida is in her sitting room, together with Meidani. Meidani immediately leaves the room when Elaida asks. The Amyrlin comments how she plans to break Meidani before Tarna begins her reports. Elaida's plot to have the Sitter's watch members of their own Ajah has borne little fruit. The rebellion in Tarabon against the Seanchan failed. The seals to the Dark One's prison are still missing. The works to remove the cuendillar chains from Southharbor proceed slowly, with little support from any Aes Sedai not of the Red Ajah. The litany of failure angers Elaida, who orders Tarna to write an edict proclaiming the punishment of Sitters who fails to order support of the Southharbor project. In addition, she orders the same for any Sitter who continues to send sisters to negotiations with the Rebel Aes Sedai. Tarna fails to talk her out of it. Elaida jumps to the subject of Egwene al'Vere. Elaida is surprised by the amount of visits to Silviana Brehon but Tarna eases her fears, espressing doubt that Silviana will break the girl (while diplomatically leaving out Egwene’s willpower). Tarna is tasked to have her attend Elaida's dinner with Meidani that evening. "She might have said that men are pigs, or just that you are. She may have said you're a mud-footed country lout with dirt in your ears and hay in your hair. Or she might have said-" —Setalle Anan on Tuon's interpretation about Mat's manners Mat shares a dinner of rabbit and grouse with Tuon, Selucia, and Setalle. Lopin cleans up Mat's trash as he wipes greasy hands on his pants. Tuon and Selucia communicate with sign language and Setalle offers to help Mat understand the commentary about his uncouthness. Aludra pauses in her game of stones with Thom to chide him about wasting her strikers to light his pipe. He ponders their journey so far and the changes amongst his party. Returning Tuon to Ebou Dar remains at the forefront of his mind. A blacklance spreads chaos throughout the party until Mat alleviates everyone's fears. His mercy with the poisonous snake prompts Tuon to give him permission to kiss her. The first kiss causes Tuon to insult his skill. The second improves her demeanor... for a moment, then she claims that he feels feverish. As they debate about the need for ointments, Harnan announces riders approaching the camp, one of them Chel Vanin. Talmanes, to Mat's chagrined surprise, is the second rider. He gives Mat an update on Egwene's victories, prompting immediate interruption, and doubt, by the Aes Sedai: Joline, Teslyn, and Edesina. Mat presses Talmanes for news about the Band and is shocked with how big his army has become. He worries about being able to pay so many men. Ever calm, Talmanes recounts a deal he made with Roedran supplied the Band with a year's pay, slipping in Mat's relationship with the Dragon Reborn. Unfortunately the pass they planned to use was closed by a landslide, so another exit from Altara will be needed. Mat directs Talmenes to lead the party to the Band, while he thinks.