| - Electric Light Orchestra (or ELO) was the favourite band of Elton Pope who would sometimes dance alone in his flat to their songs, such as "Mr. Blue Sky". Pope himself performing the lead vocals, LINDA did a cover version of the ELO song, "Don't Bring Me Down" when Victor Kennedy turned up in their basement. (TV: Love & Monsters)
- Electric Light Orchestra (Elektryczne Światło Orkiestry) – niedemokratyczny projekt wodzowski niejakiego Jeffa Lynne'a grający połączenie rocka elektronicznego i muzyki klasycznej wiolonczeli nazywane ambitnie rockiem progresywnym, tj. idącym do przodu, cokolwiek by to nie znaczyło. Istniał od 1970 do 1986 roku.
- Fortunately for Otis, the few people who do remember ELO all work in the advertising industry, with the result that their songs appear in several dozen television commercials and movie trailers every year. The royalty income this produces for Wilbury allows him to champion the careers of up-and-coming unknowns like Paul McCartney and Tom Petty by overproducing their albums.
- Electric Light Orchestra are an English rock band. Their song "Mr. Blue Sky" is featured in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
- Electric Light Orchestra, comúnmente abreviado como ELO, fue un grupo de rock sinfónico natural de Birmingham, Inglaterra, liderado por Jeff Lynne y con una trayectoria que se trasladó principalmente desde 1971 hasta 1986, con un breve retorno entre 2000 y 2001. A mediados de los años setenta, la Electric Light Orchestra se convirtió en una de las bandas con mayores ventas en la industria de la música. De 1972 a 1986, la ELO acumuló veintiséis sencillos de éxito en el Reino Unido y veinte en los Estados Unidos. El grupo también mantiene el récord de éxitos en el Top 40 de la historia de Billboard sin haber cosechado un número uno. Por otra parte, la Electric Light Orchestra ha obtenido 21 premios de la RIAA, 38 de la BPI y ha vendido más de 100 millones de álbumes a nivel global.
- Electric Light Orchestra also known as ELO, were a British rock band from Birmingham. Tha bands logo is The cursive ELO and the color full flying saucer that is shown on most albums for ELO. Their hit Do Ya was originally done by The Move, which featured future members of ELO.
- According to the liner notes on "ELO II", John Peel was a fan of Jeff Lynne and Roy Wood's work with their previous band, The Move (who had two Top Gear sessions, although not with Lynne in the lineup). Lynne's earlier outfit, the Idle Race, had six Top Gear sessions and Peel was among the DJs pictured on the sleeve of their first album. [1] However, as the band gained success and gradually simplified their music, he abandoned them; by the time that Peel embraced punk, he and ELO would have been regarded as inimical.
- Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) are a British rock group from Birmingham, England, who released eleven studio albums between 1971 and 1986 and another album in 2001. ELO were formed to accommodate Roy Wood and Jeff Lynne's desire to create modern rock and pop songs with classical overtones. After Wood's departure following the band's debut record, Lynne wrote and arranged all of the group's original compositions and produced every album. ELO collected 19 CRIA, 21 RIAA and 38 BPI awards, and sold over 50 million records worldwide during the group's active period of recording and touring.