Assault Counter, or AC for short, is a battle feature characteristic to the Linear Motion Battle System versions present in Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2. It is based on the concept of Chain Capacity, but instead of each arte having a different AC cost, every arte costs 1 AC to execute; therefore, Assault Counter governs the length of the arte chain each character can execute. AC is also expended when performing normal attacks and quick-stepping.
Attributes | Values |
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| - Assault Counter, or AC for short, is a battle feature characteristic to the Linear Motion Battle System versions present in Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2. It is based on the concept of Chain Capacity, but instead of each arte having a different AC cost, every arte costs 1 AC to execute; therefore, Assault Counter governs the length of the arte chain each character can execute. AC is also expended when performing normal attacks and quick-stepping.
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supports archetypes
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fr name
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es lore
| - Sólo puedes activar esta carta mientras controles 1 monstruo "/Modo de Ataque". Niega la activación de una Carta Mágica, de Trampa, o del Efecto de un Monstruo de Efecto, y destruye esa carta.
el name
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Romaji Name
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hr name
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ja lore
| - 自分フィールド上に「バスター」と名のついたモンスターが存在する場合に発動できる。効果モンスターの効果・魔法・罠カードの発動を無効にし破壊する。
it lore
| - Attiva solo fino a quando controlli un mostro "/Assalto". Annulla l'attivazione di una Carta Magia, Carta Trappola o effetto di un Mostro con Effetto, e distruggilo.
pt name
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| - Activate only while you control an "/Assault Mode" monster. Negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect and destroy it.
pt lore
| - Ative somente enquanto você controla um monstro "/Modo Assalto". Negue a ativação de um Spell Card, Trap Card ou efeito de Effect Monster e destrua aquela carta.
it name
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trans name
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| - * Negates the activation of Spell Cards
* Negates the activation of Trap Cards
* Negates the activation of Effect Monster's effect
* Destroys Spell Cards
* Destroys Trap Cards
* Destroys Monster Cards
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de lore
| - Aktiviere diese Karte nur, solange du ein „/Angriffsmodus“-Monster kontrollierst. Annulliere die Aktivierung einer Zauberkarte, einer Fallenkarte oder den Effekt eines Effektmonsters und zerstöre sie oder es.
ko name
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de name
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fr lore
| - Activable uniquement lorsque vous contrôlez un monstre "/Mode Assaut". Annulez l'activation d'une Carte Magie, Carte Piège ou de l'effet d'une carte Monstre à Effet et détruisez cette carte.
card type
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effect types
| - Activation requirement, Effect
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th name
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ar name
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Ja Name
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| - Assault Counter, or AC for short, is a battle feature characteristic to the Linear Motion Battle System versions present in Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2. It is based on the concept of Chain Capacity, but instead of each arte having a different AC cost, every arte costs 1 AC to execute; therefore, Assault Counter governs the length of the arte chain each character can execute. AC is also expended when performing normal attacks and quick-stepping.