| - Through the generating and metabolizing of the energies of the Void, a Voidwalker was able to empower their natural abilities to supernatural levels, enabling them to perform otherwise impossible mental and physical feats. Unlike the many similar applications of its Force counterpart, Supravitality worked by augmenting the traits and abilities the Voidwalker already possessed, albeit to grandiose proportions. Consequently, the better physical shape and condition, the more prominent the effects of Supravitality would be for a Voidwalker, with the same standard applying for the effects granted to mental health and stability.
| - Through the generating and metabolizing of the energies of the Void, a Voidwalker was able to empower their natural abilities to supernatural levels, enabling them to perform otherwise impossible mental and physical feats. Unlike the many similar applications of its Force counterpart, Supravitality worked by augmenting the traits and abilities the Voidwalker already possessed, albeit to grandiose proportions. Consequently, the better physical shape and condition, the more prominent the effects of Supravitality would be for a Voidwalker, with the same standard applying for the effects granted to mental health and stability. Through Supravitality, a Voidborn could perform feats of vast physical strength and speed, remarkable resilience and stamina, and even recuperative regeneration, able to heal from wounds in days that would natural take months for others. Some Voidborn were known to be able to punch through duracrete and run over surfaces vertically. A Voidborn could also enhance the sensitivity, without the susceptibility of sensory vulnerability, of their natural senses of sight, taste, hearing, smell, and touch, allowing them to utilize their senses in exorbitant magnitudes. On at least one occasion, a Voidborn was even able to physically see a starship entering a planet's gravity well, revealing a telescopic-like visual prowess, and could feel vibrations in the air. Conversely, Supravitality was known to potentially be exhausting for some Voidborn when used to excessive lengths for extended periods of time.