Lego Metroid (レゴ メトロイド Lego Metoroido) is a Lego stop-motion animation mini-series showcased on YouTube, created and animated by Richard Leyva (001rich100). This fan-made depiction from the Metroid series sets after the events of Metroid Fusion. The series titled Lego Metroid originally began production in late 2007 and debuted with the release of it's first episode on June 6, 2008. The original outline for the series would have featured 10 episodes with a common duration of 9-10 minutes of animation, sound effects, and special effects. The project successfully reached 8 episodes before coming to a complete production halt, for reasons unknown. However the project after 2 years, will be officially re-produced (revamped as stated by 001rich100) with better quality, effects, and focus on it'
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| - Lego Metroid (レゴ メトロイド Lego Metoroido) is a Lego stop-motion animation mini-series showcased on YouTube, created and animated by Richard Leyva (001rich100). This fan-made depiction from the Metroid series sets after the events of Metroid Fusion. The series titled Lego Metroid originally began production in late 2007 and debuted with the release of it's first episode on June 6, 2008. The original outline for the series would have featured 10 episodes with a common duration of 9-10 minutes of animation, sound effects, and special effects. The project successfully reached 8 episodes before coming to a complete production halt, for reasons unknown. However the project after 2 years, will be officially re-produced (revamped as stated by 001rich100) with better quality, effects, and focus on it'
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| - Lego Metroid (レゴ メトロイド Lego Metoroido) is a Lego stop-motion animation mini-series showcased on YouTube, created and animated by Richard Leyva (001rich100). This fan-made depiction from the Metroid series sets after the events of Metroid Fusion. The series titled Lego Metroid originally began production in late 2007 and debuted with the release of it's first episode on June 6, 2008. The original outline for the series would have featured 10 episodes with a common duration of 9-10 minutes of animation, sound effects, and special effects. The project successfully reached 8 episodes before coming to a complete production halt, for reasons unknown. However the project after 2 years, will be officially re-produced (revamped as stated by 001rich100) with better quality, effects, and focus on it's story-oriented theme. The project has already entered production but it is unknown when it is set to be released.
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