| - This is a great Economic Policy for a 'trader' civilization with lots of trade routes, as it will boost both its technological and civic development 'for free'. Note that it will affect only international trade routes (those connecting to another civilization's cities, or to City-States), not domestic ones! You should consider using it only if most, if not all trade routes are international, otherwise you would be wasting an Economic slot. The good about this Policy is that it doesn't require much planning to use, as long as you assign your trade routes to the right destinations; and also it boosts both File:Civ6Science.png Science and File:Civ6Culture.png Culture at the same time. The bad is that, unless you have 5 or more international trade routes, the boost isn't such a big deal. So, you should consider using Trade Confederation only in governments with lots of Economic slots, such as Merchant Republic. This way you could slot it permanently, while rotating other Policies as need calls. Note also that Trade Confederation isn't recommended for nations which are perpetually at war, as their international trade routes are more prone to Pillaging.