| - The B1 battle droids were the top of the line battle droids around the time of the Naboo Crisis. Upgrades were made, but the B1 battle droid still remained the most prominent force through until the end of the Clone Wars. B1’s came in two colors, beige and sand red. Although the sand red design was used predominately on the battlefields of Geonosis, they did see action aboard the starship, Invisible Hand. At the end of the Clone Wars, the B1 battle droid models were forced to find other fields of work, the more popular were mechanics, piloting, and engineers.
| - The B1 battle droids were the top of the line battle droids around the time of the Naboo Crisis. Upgrades were made, but the B1 battle droid still remained the most prominent force through until the end of the Clone Wars. B1’s came in two colors, beige and sand red. Although the sand red design was used predominately on the battlefields of Geonosis, they did see action aboard the starship, Invisible Hand. At the end of the Clone Wars, the B1 battle droid models were forced to find other fields of work, the more popular were mechanics, piloting, and engineers. B1 battle droid models were produced in massive numbers, ranging into the millions, and were programmed for combat. There were records of the B1 battle droids performing diplomatic missions such as peace treaties and negotiations, one such mission being the peace treaty with Naboo that was foiled by Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Despite their programming, B1 battle droids were also known for their kindness and courtesy, being known as “nice, mechanized embodiments of destruction”. After the Clone Wars, the Rebellion hired many to assist in the fight against the Galactic Domain. There were reports that several even piloted Princess Leia Organa.