| - I scanned my control pad and watched the familiar lights flash across its screen. I glanced through the translucent window at the star-filled night sky; wishing I could leave this asteroid belt and go back to home to my family. But alas, I needed the minerals contained inside these space rocks to provide for them. My thoughts were interrupted as a dot appeared on my pad’s screen. ‘What in Saldavea is that?’ I tapped a button on my pad and a channel opened over the comlink. “Sarto, did you just get a blip on your sensors too?” There was a pause, then the voice of my first mate responded, “Roger that, captain. And I can see something outside too.” I replied, “What does it look like?” Sarto responded, “Well, it’s blue, and it’s got this weird translucent sort of appearance. It looks a bit like…sir I think it’s a planet.” My eyes narrowed. “That’s not possible Sarto; you know as well as I that there isn’t a single planet for lightyears. It’s gotta be an asteroid or something.” Sarto replied, “No sir, it’s too big to be an asteroid; and it’s getting closer!” I activated the rear monitor, and saw with amazement that Sarto had been at least half right; whatever it was, it was getting closer. In fact, it was picking up speed. I could make it out more clearly now; it was a dark glowing blue shade, with a ghostly hue that surrounded it. Perhaps it was a fragment of a nearby blue sun? I tugged the controls; whatever it was, we had to get out of its path. The voice of Alzo, my engine-worker came over the comlink. “Sir, we’ve been pulled into its orbit!” I replied, “Can you boost power to the engines?” Alzo responded, “I can’t sir, that thing is generating a massive gravitational pull!” I replied, “All personnel, get to the escape pods!” I moved away from my console, and exited the room. I soon met up with Alzo and Sarto, as well as our onboard nurse, Jilina. We entered the two escape pods, and I gave the word to jettison. As our pods were launched away, I watched with awe as the hurling blue thing came ever closer; it was looking more and more like a planetoid now. Alzo’s voice came over the comlink. “Sir, our pods are being pulled into the same gravitational field as the Resilient, we can’t break free!” The freighter dipped its nose as it entered the atmosphere of the blue mass, and I watched in horror as the second pod followed. Nurse Jilina turned to me, her eyes filled with terror. “What are we going to do?” I held her hand and squeezed it. “It’s gonna be okay.” Warning lights flashed, and the voice of the computer spoke aloud, “Warning. Hull pod integrity exceeding safety limits.” I closed my eyes, and Jilina screamed as the pod burned…