| - Smith wasn't sure which church they were talking about, so he started his own and even gave it its own newer testament and theology. This demonstrates that Joseph Smith may, in fact, be the first It-getter. Long before Stephen Colbert had revealed The Word of truthiness, Smith understood it in his gut.
- "SolarShark!" ―SolarShark's roll call
- thumb|right|Joseph Smith Joseph Smith (Sharon, 23 december 1805 - Carthage, 27 juni 1844) was de stichter van de Kerk van Jezus Christus van de Heiligen der Laatste Dagen en de grondlegger van de Mormoonse leer. Hij was de zoon van Joseph Smith Sr. en Lucy Mack Smith. Joseph Smith getuigde van visioenen en openbaringen die hij zei te hebben gekregen. Hij werkte die uit in onder meer zijn boek De Leer en Verbonden.
- Joseph Smith, Jr. o'n andalúh Hozé Smith iho (23'e izjembre'e 1805 - 27 hunio'e 1844) hwe un lideh relihjozo ehtawnjenze, konozio por proklamarze komo'r priméh profeta bjente j rebelaóh j por zeh'r fundaóh der Mobimjento'e loh Zantoh de loh Úrtimoh Djah en Palmyra, Nweba York, Ehtaoh Unjoh, en 1980
- Joseph Smith Jr. (December 23, 1805 – June 27, 1844), a son of Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack, was an actual person from Church history.
- While teaching Meg and Chris about historical figures in "Foreign Affairs', Peter has a cutaway to Joseph Smith finding an old Con Ed bill and passing it off as holy text, demanding many wives.
- Joseph Smith is the founder of Mormonism, and a member of the Super Best Friends. His powers include the ability to blow cold air and ice from his mouth. He is also featured in the episode, "All About Mormons". He appears briefly, with some other religious characters in "Imaginationland", when the boys are arriving with the Mayor.
- Joseph Smith is the founder of the Latter Day Saints movement (Mormons). When House is deliberately trying to get Jeffrey Cole to get angry with him, he accidentally succeeds by calling Smith a "horny fraud".
- Cuando Joe contaba quince años, se le ocurrió comentar que lo había visitado un ángel llamado Moroni y le preguntó a qué iglesia debía unirse. Moroni le dijo que no se uniera a ninguna, porque todas las religiones y credos eran falsos y todos los ministros eran corruptos y una abominación ante Dios (libro "La perla de gran precio" 2.15-17).
- Episode Count Cause of death AlternateVersion Alternate Version Appearances Joseph Smith was a suspected smuggler with ties to the terrorist organization ZFT. He appeared to have knowledge of the plan to extract David Robert Jones from prison and provided the location of the anticipated event to the FBI, which was passed on to both Mitchell Loeb and Jones. During an FBI raid, Smith was shot in the head, where he was subsequently brought into Walter Bishop's laboratory and interrogated post mortem.
- Smith earned his Master of Music, Media Writing, and Production from the University of Miami, his professional diploma in Arranging/Composition from Berklee College of Music, and his Bachelor in Music Education from West Virginia University. Between 1975 and 1980, Smith worked as teacher at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts. He then attended the University of Miami and became an instructor in arranging, composition, ear training, and ensembles at Miami Dade Community College between 1982 and 1984.
- The church Smith founded was one of the fastest growing pyramid-schemes throughout the 20th century until it was discovered that most people were joining to mostly annoy their parents or to marry a fuckable Mormon. But that didn't prevent Smith from being inducted into the Founding Father of Popular Sects Hall of Fame (FFPSHF) along with such great religious leaders as Moses, Muhammad, Gerald Gardner, Jesus and Charles Taze Russell. The runner-up that year was L. Ron Hubbard.
- Joseph SMITH, Jr. (1805 – 1844) estis la fondinto kaj unua profeto de la Eklezio de Jesuo Kristo de la Sanktuloj de la Lastaj Tagoj, ministro por popolklerigo kaj propagando. Smith naskiĝis en Stokholmo, subŝtato Vermont, Usono en la jaro 1805. Kiam li estis dekjara, lia patro transloĝiĝis en Palermo-n (Novjorkio). Post profunda preĝado Dio la Patro kaj Jesuo Kristo montriĝis antaŭ li. Ili poste sendis anĝelon al li, kiu rakontis al li pri malnovaj, enfositaj oraj tabuloj, sur kiuj estis skribita la Libro de Mormon. En 1830 li publikigis la Libron de Mormon kaj oficiale fondis la eklezion.
- Joseph Smith, Jr. (December 23, 1805 – June 27, 1844) was an American religious leader who founded the Latter Day Saint movement, the predominant branch of which is Mormonism. At age twenty-four, Smith published the Book of Mormon, and by the time of his death fourteen years later, he had attracted tens of thousands of followers, established cities and temples, and founded a religion and a religious culture that continue to the present day.