| - 1. We all need encouragement at one point or another, so as you think about the four people you want to have on your Support Team. Understand that you are thinking some very smart thoughts! 2. A supporter is a person who makes you feel comfortable. But that doesn’t mean that he or she won’t be honest with you if you need some straight-forward feedback. Being comfortable with someone just means that you can connect with him or her, and, every now and then, some straight-forward feedback can be helpful! 3. The members of your Support Team are also people that you can go to if you need some Wise Counsel. Wise Counsel means that the person will listen to what you have to say and then help you raise some questions that will help you think through what you need to do next. 4. Sometimes “*Wise Counsel” can mean giving good advice, but generally it means helping you sort out the problems you are facing and what opportunities you have in front of you. 5. With these things in mind, think of four people that you can ask to be on your Support Team. These will be people that you can talk easily to, that you can explain your goals to and how you plan to reach them. The people should fit into these four categories: 1.
* Your Coach or Mentor, 1.
* An adult at home, 1.
* Another adult, and 1.
* Friend. 6. Don’t delay to get some encouragement from people who believe in you and are willing to help you reach your goals! 7. Start today to build your Support Team.