| - Pro-choice is a decidedly liberal view, being pro-choice means one is allowed to decide whether or not one is ready (physically, emotionally, socially and financially) to reproduce.
- The "pro-choice" position in the abortion debate maintains that the decision to give birth is entirely a personal one for the mother, literally a "matter of choice" with no one else, including the father or child, having a say. A doctor may advise, but only in a limited capacity. He ought not try to influence the pregnant woman, even if she's just a girl. He should not inform her about the long-term medical harms of the operation, or the emotional or social consequences, but simply let her make up her own mind. Advocates justify this position with the materialistic idea that a human being does not exist until after his complete birth (see partial-birth abortion).
| - Pro-choice is a decidedly liberal view, being pro-choice means one is allowed to decide whether or not one is ready (physically, emotionally, socially and financially) to reproduce.
- The "pro-choice" position in the abortion debate maintains that the decision to give birth is entirely a personal one for the mother, literally a "matter of choice" with no one else, including the father or child, having a say. A doctor may advise, but only in a limited capacity. He ought not try to influence the pregnant woman, even if she's just a girl. He should not inform her about the long-term medical harms of the operation, or the emotional or social consequences, but simply let her make up her own mind. Advocates justify this position with the materialistic idea that a human being does not exist until after his complete birth (see partial-birth abortion). The term is deceptive by deflecting or glossing-over the true meaning. Advocates use the misleading term pro-choice to promote abortion; by implying that it means pro-informed choice, when in fact some pro-choice supporters oppose informing women about the long-term medical harms of the operation. The label can be stated as pro-"choice", with quotation marks, to reflect a lack of support by the person of informed choice. Pro-choice advocates often say "How can anybody be against having a choice?", and pro-life people reply that no-one has the right to 'choose' to kill a human being. Planned Parenthood performs nearly 200 abortions for every referral for adoption. The more accurate term for people and organizations who support taxpayer-funded abortion, promote abortion, or otherwise oppose fetal rights is pro-abortion.