| - For the past year, Gaia's been creeping its spidery tendrils ever wider over the unsuspecting internet. We thought we'd take a second to give you a quick rundown of where to find us on your favorite sites:
* MySpace: Our MySpace site is still under construction, but you can get in on the ground floor by adding us as a friend right now. More cool MySpace content is coming soon!
* YouTube: Subscribe to our channel and stay tuned for some cool upcoming videos, like insider access to Gaia HQ, convention coverage and other fun stuff.
* Facebook: Friend us on Facebook to stay informed of events, new items, site updates and cool exclusive content.
* Twitter: Follow us on Twitter for staff tweets, exclusive contests/events, office pics and more
* RSS: If you use an RSS reader, you can subscribe to our feed to keep up on all the latest announcement. Go ahead and friend us, follow us, hug us, poke us or otherwise invade our personal space!