| - The Chubbits were a species of bipedal, sentient reptiles indigenous to the desert world of Aridus in the Expansion Region. The average Chubbit stood shorter than a fully grown Human. Their skin was green or yellow, although some featured red or black spots. Their nervous system was easily crippled by ultra-strong frequency waves. On their dry homeworld, the Chubbits made use of indigenous technology such as wind-runners, wheeled vehicles that were propelled by large sails. The Chubbits suffered after the rise of the Galactic Empire. In 19 BBY, numerous Chubbits were held as slaves by gangs on the planet Telerath and one of its moons. The fugitive Jedi Dass Jennir freed many of these Chubbits. Meanwhile, Imperial troops on Aridus found valuable natural resources there. However, when mining outfits attempted to extract these raw materials, Aridus's ionized atmosphere rendered their equipment inoperable. The Empire thus approved construction of the Iron Tower, a massive power transformer and signal amplifier to rectify the technological problems; the Empire paid little heed when the tower's strong frequency waves crippled the nervous systems and even killed many of the planet's natives. The Chubbits responded by waging a guerrilla war on the Empire, armed with blasters, repulsor tanks, and crawler tanks supplied by sympathetic Yutrane-Trackata workers and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Other offworlders provided support as well, including the Human Wrenga Jixton and a man who claimed to be the Human Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. In 0 ABY, the Kenobi impersonator destroyed the Iron Tower when the devotion shown him by the Chubbits and the Rebel Alliance hero Luke Skywalker prompted him to thwart a ploy by the Sith Lord Darth Vader to lure Skywalker into a trap at the Iron Tower. In the aftermath of the structure's fall, Jixton swore his services to Vader in exchange for an Imperial retreat from the Chubbit homeworld, and in 4 ABY, the New Republic sought an alliance with the species. The Yuuzhan Vong later conquered Aridus around 27 ABY during their invasion of the galaxy.