| - It claimed to utilize grievances made by children mailed to the studio -- each side of a grievance would be represented by a child in the audience, and at the end of their argument, children in the audience would cheer. The "Judge-o-meter", a cardboard rendering of an English judge (with wig) with peak meters for "eyes", would measure the decibels of the screaming, cheering children, and the side that generated the most screaming and cheering would win the argument. The "Judge-o-meter" system would also be used to "sentence" the guilty party -- sentences would be suggested by children in the audience.
| - It claimed to utilize grievances made by children mailed to the studio -- each side of a grievance would be represented by a child in the audience, and at the end of their argument, children in the audience would cheer. The "Judge-o-meter", a cardboard rendering of an English judge (with wig) with peak meters for "eyes", would measure the decibels of the screaming, cheering children, and the side that generated the most screaming and cheering would win the argument. The "Judge-o-meter" system would also be used to "sentence" the guilty party -- sentences would be suggested by children in the audience. The show also had two courtroom sketch artists during the course of the show (1 appearing at a time), Nobi Nakanishi and Asha Canalos. During commercial breaks, the show would have quick quiz questions for children, about the legal system. Kids Court was part of Nickelodeon's "Cable in the Classroom" promotion. At the closing credits, host Provenza would ask the child audience what they thought was unfair. He would ask the audience "Fair or Unfair?", wherein the audience would almost always shout "Unfair!" in unison. In 1991, Nickelodeon tried to revive Kids Court with Greg Lee as the host and taped at Nickelodeon Studios at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.