| - Octavia is Count von Count's pet octopus in the 1980 Sesame Street storybook The Sesame Street Pet Show. Octavia wins the prize at the pet show for most arms. Coincidentally, a Sesame Street bubble toy made in 2008 pictures Elmo with an octopus named Octavia.
- Octavia is an Imperial and the leader of the bandit gang found within Bearclaw Mine.
- Octavia was Claymore No. 2 of her generation and eventually became an awakened being. During her lifetime, she was known as "Wild Horse Octavia" (沛艾のオクタビア, Haigai no Okutabia). She was among the group of Awakened former single-digit warriors who gathered outside Rabona to witness the being whose power surpasses the Abyssal Ones.
- Octavia is one of the adopted daugthers of Fortuna and a member of the Pankration team during the DofD tournament.
- Octavia is a Ananasi resident of Rio de Janeiro.
- Octavia Melody Hupson is talented cello player that can be seen performing in New York City's most sophisticated celebrations. She is also an associate of the Vinci Family.
- <default>Octavia</default> AKA HomeworldUnknown SpeciesUnknown GenderUnknown Hair colorUnknown EraPresent Affiliation Abilities Played by Octavia is a fictional character in the animated television series She-Ra: Princess of Power.
- Octavia is the largest planet in the Octupi System. It is currently playing a key role in my upcoming fan fiction "Mass Effect: Octupi"
- Octavia, labeled as The Eccentric Actress, is a contestant in Total Drama: Tiki Jungle who was placed on the Over Nine Thousand team.
- In Heroes of Might and Magic III, Octavia is a Demoniac of the Inferno. Her specialty gives the player 350 gold every day. In Heroes of Might and Magic IV, she is one of the 28 heroes belonging to the Thief class, and is associated with the Asylum town.
- Octavia is a food merchant in the Eltnen Fortress Tavern. She is a clever and ambitious woman, and her plan is to marry someone with power.
- She is successful twice, and then she meets the new number two man of CONTROL, Hymie the robot. She and Hymie leave the office together, not long before Max and the Chief come rushing in to warn him. Max finds her compact, which she had left behind. What he finds in the cosmetics case reveals Octavia's true identity. A robot. The same type as Hymie. Portrayed by Gayle Hunnicutt [Episode #46: "It Takes One to Know One"].
- Octavia - bohaterka standardowa Heroes of Might and Magic III (demon z Inferno) i Heroes of Might and Magic IV (złodziejka z Azylu). W H3 posiadała umiejętności początkowe Nauka Czarów i Atak (poziomy podstawowe). Specjalna zdolnośc Octavii powodowała wzrost dziennego przychodu złota o 350 sztuk. Jej oficjalna biografia brzmiała tak: Mówi się, że Octavia potrafi wykraść złoto z groty śpiącego smoka. Często jest to prawda, kiedy już nie ma innego sposobu na zdobycie złota, na zaspokojenie jej pychy.
- - Octavia Heartford Octavia is a priestess of Northshire Abbey. She travels the lower Eastern Kingdoms by foot, proselytizing to the poor, weak, hungry and morally bankrupt. (( WIP )) Not much of Octavia can be seen from her garments; Her entire body is covered from head to foot, and her face is veiled. What is immediately noticeable about Octavia is her build: She is fairly short and slender. She often carries a satchel of books on her back and a travel lamp hooked to her belt.
- Octavia was one of the muses of the Robotech Masters. Their music was used to keep the clones complacent and obedient. Musica was the mistress of the Cosmic Harp. Octavia, in yellow, played a dulcimer-like instrument and Allegra, in the pink, played a stringed instrument resembling a Cello.