| - VROCKPOKEY: Spawns Race cars OLDSPEEDDEMON: Spawns Derby cars TRUEGRIME: Spawns beater cars (They're not the same as Derby cars) EXHAUSTED: Teleport to your waypoint GOURANGA: Complete any sub-mission you are on SJMAHPE: Recruit anyone you aim ANVIL: Super Punch KANGAROO: Super Jump BUNNY: Super Speed HESOYAM: Refill health and Armor, gain 250K$ and if you are in one, repair vehicle ANOSEONGLASS: adrenaline effects ANEYEFORANEYE: Benzoylmethylecgonine effects SPEEDFREAK: All cars have nitrous TITTYSTREET: All pedestrians are females NOFEMINISMALLOWED: All pedestrians are males ELSHAKE: Gives the player Class A weapon (9mm, Shotgun, Tec9, M16, Rifle and Molotovs) SKETCHLAND: Gives the player Class B weapons (Deagle, Sawnoff shotgun, Mac10, AK47, Sniper Rifle and Grenades) ZOUZOUNIA: Gives the player Class C weapons (Silenced 9MM, Combat Shotgun, SMG, CS6 Recon (Buy NERF, made more realistic), Kar98K and Satchels) BULLBAR: The car you are driving is tough and heavy CORNERSLIKEMAD: The car you are driving is slimy/prone to oversteer CORNERSSUCK: The car you are driving is prone to understeer IWANTMYMONEYBACK: Get all your money back from your recent purchase, if you have not purchased anything, a mugger spawns behind you and he steals all your money, after that, you can re-enter the cheat to get all your money back IHATEBALTIMORE: Spawns an Otto's Autos Rumpo CALLNINEONEONE: Spawns a Police Sentinel VierTur PICKMEUP: Spawns a Taxi Zirconium Shuttle (Skoda Octavia) LOSTANGELS: Riot mode ANGRYRANTS: Pedestrians attack/scream, unlike other games, this cheat can be deactivated. BULLYINGEVERYWHERE: Pedestrians try to kill you, unlike other games, this cheat can be deactivated. GASPEDAL: Game speed increases BRAKE: Game speed decreases AHOYMEN: Spawns a Pirates Picador SETTHEGIRLFREE: Spawns a Pirates Jetmax TIEHERTOTHEROCK/TIEHERTOTHEMAST: Spawns a Pirates Squalo TOODAMNHOT: Resets weather to clear SCOTLANDINANUTSHELL: Fog level 1 NOTHINGISSEEN: Fog level 3 CATSANDOGS: Rain level 1 WEATHERREPORT: Rain level 3 SPRINGINSCOTLAND: Fog and rain level 1 SCOTTISHSUMMER: Fog and rain level 3 YEAH: Gives you 1000$ TURNUPTHEHEAT: Wanted level rises (1star) TURNDOWNTHEHEAT: Wanted level falls (1star) BRINGITON: Full wanted level (6 stars) LEAVEMEALONE: Clear wanted level GITIEITOO: Plays the "Respect Is Everything" motto from GTA2 ZAIBATATSU: Spawns a Zaibatsu Z-Type RUSSKIY: Spawns a Russian Mafia Willard KRISHNALALA: Spawns a Krishna Exemplar YAKUZADOKIDOKI: Spawns a Yakuza Monroe LOONIESTUNING: Spawns a Loonies Hermes (Holden Efijy) REDNECKBUILDING: Spawns a Redneck Xanadu (Pontiac Aztek) SCIENTISPERIMENT: Spawns a Scientists Patriot OHNO: Lose 1000$ BEGOVIC/BAGUVIX: Invulnerability* (*??? (You will still take falling damage)) LUNAR: Low Gravity MARTIAN: High Gravity MADAILAND: Spawns a Mad Island Bobcat ALMAMATER: Spawns a Prison Rumpo