| - Moku fue uno de los nómadas que viajaban con Chong . Él era un hombre feliz, joven, fácil de llevar, y más bien obeso. Él toca el Yembe , un pequeño tambor que llevaba con él en todo momento para poder hacer música cuando lo necesitara, y era bastante talentoso con el . Moku vestían túnicas blancas con bordes de color rosa y un sombrero de cono llamada caping con una flor rosa pequeña. Él tenía una afición por los arco iris y también era bastante ingenuo.
- Moku jest jednym z podróżujących śpiewaków. Puszysty i zawsze optymistycznie nastawiony do świata.thumb|Moku
- Moku is a M.U.G.E.N creator best known for his creation of The Mane Six, the main six ponies of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series; he is also known for his characters having incredibly brutal A.I., though his newer characters feature Option files that allow for their difficulty levels to be changed, along with other aspects of the characters.
- Moku (モク, Moku) is a ghoul resident of the 11th Ward. He was a member of Kazuichi Banjou's group when he was still the leader of the 11th Ward.
- Moku is an NPC.
- Moku reisde samen met Chong en Lilly en Team Avatar door de Grot van de Twee Geliefden. Toen de groep werd opgesplits was Moku samen met Chong Lilly en Sokka. Ze ontsnapte uit de grot met de hulp van Dasmollen. Wat er na de oorlog met Moku is gebeurd is onbekend.
- moku li ijo pi pona e sijelo. sina pana e moku lon uta sina la moku li tawa insa sina. moku li insa sina la ona li kama e ni: sijelo sina li wawa. moku li pini lon insa sina la sijelo li pana e ko jaki anu e telo jelo. moku jan li ni:
* telo
* kili
* pan
* soweli
- Moku (モク Moku? Wood, Green Plate; 39-42): his "special technique" allows him to fire green gravity beams from his fingertips; his true form is of a space fighter wearing white clothing with a horrible demonic mask and fighting with a long halberd, in similarity with a kabuki artist.
- Moku is one of the nomads traveling with Chong. He is a happy, easy-going, and rather obese man. He's a djembé player, a small drum. He also has a fondness for rainbows. He wears white robes with pinkedges, and a cone hat with a small pink flower, so it can be assumed that pink and white are his best colours. He loves travelling and is a talented player of the djembé, a small drum which he keeps on him at all times, so he can make music whenever it is needed.
- Moku ist ein Nomade, der gemeinsam mit Chong und Lily durch die Welt zieht. Er ist sehr groß und liebenswert, allerdings ist es manchmal sehr frustrierend mit ihm zu sprechen, da er für alles blind zu sein scheint. Aber egal, wie frustrierend er auch sein mag, seine charmante und kindliche Persönlichkeit macht es fast unmöglich, ihn nicht zu mögen. Moku ist wie die Anderen auch ein Musiker. Er spielt die Handtrommel und ist in seinem rosa Kimono unverkennbar.
- __INDEX__ Moku ist ein Nomade, der mit Chong und Lily durch die Welt reist.
- At the tender age of four, Moku discovered his quirk. He had a nightmare and once he woke up, he found himself completely covered in a dome of the rock. He tried to break out but he couldn't due to the quirk still assuming he was scared. His mother heard his wails and helped to calm him down. Her soft voice instantly caused his heart rate to lower as he wiped his eyes. In that instant, the rocks crumbled and the young boy embraced his mother.
- Moku met Team Avatar whilst the latter were relaxing in a river close to Omashu. He bonded with Aang and Katara straight away due to the airbender's relaxed nature, and during the brief respite even suggested an alternate route to Omashu once it was discovered that it was where his newfound friends were headed. After Sokka shot down this suggestion, stating that they didn't have the time, Moku traveled with Team Avatar, Chong, and the rest of the nomads through the Cave of Two Lovers when it became apparent that Appa wouldn't be able to fly them to Omashu. At one point, a cloud of wolfbats frightened Appa, causing the bison to panic and bring down the roof of the cave, thus resulting in the separation of the group into two different factions. Moku's group consisted of the other nomads, Sok