| - A variety of Meaningful Name, this is when the birth name of a character matches up with the powers they get or the role they take later in life. Usually, their real name can be shortened or scrambled into their Code Name, but sometimes it's more a thematic link. For Anime heroes, if a character has an element somewhere in their name, they will almost always use that element in battle when they grow up. Hikari/Hikaru, meaning "light/shining", is especially prophetic. Most common in Silver Age comics, although it still shows up from time to time. Examples of Steven Ulysses Perhero include:
| - A variety of Meaningful Name, this is when the birth name of a character matches up with the powers they get or the role they take later in life. Usually, their real name can be shortened or scrambled into their Code Name, but sometimes it's more a thematic link. For Anime heroes, if a character has an element somewhere in their name, they will almost always use that element in battle when they grow up. Hikari/Hikaru, meaning "light/shining", is especially prophetic. Most common in Silver Age comics, although it still shows up from time to time. Prophetic Names is the more general case, where names reflect a character's status, abilities, personality, or other features. A character who just never bothers with a pseudonym has a Secret Public Identity. See also Sue Donym for real people who do this. For those who don't understand the title: S.U.Perhero Examples of Steven Ulysses Perhero include: