Dwight is a fictional character in the comic book series The Walking Dead portrayed by Austin Amelio in the television series of the same name. Dwight is second in command to a group of survivors led by Negan called "The Saviors" who extort nearby communities for their supplies in exchange for protection against zombies, but Dwight despises Negan for holding his wife Sherry over him and becomes an uneasy ally of Rick Grimes as a double agent against Negan. After Negan's defeat Dwight becomes the new leader of the Saviors and incorporates them into the trade-route arrangement between the other communities.
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| - Dwight (The Walking Dead)
| - Dwight is a fictional character in the comic book series The Walking Dead portrayed by Austin Amelio in the television series of the same name. Dwight is second in command to a group of survivors led by Negan called "The Saviors" who extort nearby communities for their supplies in exchange for protection against zombies, but Dwight despises Negan for holding his wife Sherry over him and becomes an uneasy ally of Rick Grimes as a double agent against Negan. After Negan's defeat Dwight becomes the new leader of the Saviors and incorporates them into the trade-route arrangement between the other communities.
- Dwight is a main character, an antagonist, later protagonist, and a survivor who appears in both the Comic Series and TV Series of The Walking Dead. In the Comic Series, he appears as the secondary antagonist of Volume 17: Something to Fear, but throughout Volume 18: What Comes After to Volume 21: All Out War - Part 2, he becomes an anti-hero, and as of Volume 22: A New Beginning, he has becomes one of the main protagonists. In the Television Series, he serves as the tertiary antagonist of the second half of Season 6 and later an anti-hero from Season 7 onwards.
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type of villain
| - Right-Hand; Archer; Murderer; Redeemed Villains.
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| - *Defect from the Saviors
*Steal Daryl's Crossbow and other possesions
*Steal Alexandria's supplies
*Form an alliance with
*Overthrow Negan
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| - Charisma, Hunting skills, Survival skills
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| - Television:
- Comic:
- "Always Accountable"
- Issue #98
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| - Serve Negan, Making sandwiches, Torturing
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| - Soldier
- *Blue Collar Worker
- Leader of the Saviors
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| - Dwight is a fictional character in the comic book series The Walking Dead portrayed by Austin Amelio in the television series of the same name. Dwight is second in command to a group of survivors led by Negan called "The Saviors" who extort nearby communities for their supplies in exchange for protection against zombies, but Dwight despises Negan for holding his wife Sherry over him and becomes an uneasy ally of Rick Grimes as a double agent against Negan. After Negan's defeat Dwight becomes the new leader of the Saviors and incorporates them into the trade-route arrangement between the other communities.
- Dwight is a main character, an antagonist, later protagonist, and a survivor who appears in both the Comic Series and TV Series of The Walking Dead. In the Comic Series, he appears as the secondary antagonist of Volume 17: Something to Fear, but throughout Volume 18: What Comes After to Volume 21: All Out War - Part 2, he becomes an anti-hero, and as of Volume 22: A New Beginning, he has becomes one of the main protagonists. In the Television Series, he serves as the tertiary antagonist of the second half of Season 6 and later an anti-hero from Season 7 onwards. He is portrayed by in the series. TV Series=