| - A Cutting Beam is a Necron weapon only utilised by the insect-like constructs known as Canoptek Acanthrites. The Cutting Beam mounted within an Acanthrite’s thorax is capable of firing a short range, highly concentrated shaft of thermic energy ray that is able to slice apart the toughest of materials, dissecting steel, stone and flesh with equal ease and with the precision of a surgeon’s scalpel blade. These lances of burning heat are similar to those emitted by an Imperial Meltagun, save for being far more focused and prolonged. Canoptek Acanthrites often use their Cutting Beams for the destruction of armoured vehicles and troops, as well as the systematic and rapid dismemberment of bunkers and fortifications.
- During the Battle of Vega Colony in 2407, the bridge of USS Kagoshima suffered a direct hit from a cutting beam, killing most of the senior staff including Captain Alfred Detweiler and forcing Weapons Officer Lieutenant (JG) Kanril Eleya to take command. Later in the battle USS Mosul was fatally damaged by a Borg cube's cutting beam. (Bait and Switch: "From Bajor to the Black, Part II")
- Borg starships were known to have the ability to generate cutting beams of great power, strong enough to slice sections of a starship, or even a planet, open with great precision. In conjunction with the Borg tractor beam, their cutting beams were used to "scoop" pieces of starships or cities for assimilation by Borg drones and collectives. (ENT: "Regeneration"; TNG: "Q Who" , "The Best of Both Worlds" , "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" )
- This Borg weapon fires a beam weapon which was designed to penetrate a target vessels shields and hull in order to cut pieces of the hull for analysis for the possibility of technological assimilation. Though this was its primary role, it had the added benefit of being a powerful offensive weapon. By 2409 Starfleet, the Klingon Defense Force, and the Romulan Republican Force had reverse-engineered captured examples of the cutting beam, and their own version of the weapon began to appear on some vessels affiliated with Star Fleet Battle Group Omega. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)
| - A Cutting Beam is a Necron weapon only utilised by the insect-like constructs known as Canoptek Acanthrites. The Cutting Beam mounted within an Acanthrite’s thorax is capable of firing a short range, highly concentrated shaft of thermic energy ray that is able to slice apart the toughest of materials, dissecting steel, stone and flesh with equal ease and with the precision of a surgeon’s scalpel blade. These lances of burning heat are similar to those emitted by an Imperial Meltagun, save for being far more focused and prolonged. Canoptek Acanthrites often use their Cutting Beams for the destruction of armoured vehicles and troops, as well as the systematic and rapid dismemberment of bunkers and fortifications.
- During the Battle of Vega Colony in 2407, the bridge of USS Kagoshima suffered a direct hit from a cutting beam, killing most of the senior staff including Captain Alfred Detweiler and forcing Weapons Officer Lieutenant (JG) Kanril Eleya to take command. Later in the battle USS Mosul was fatally damaged by a Borg cube's cutting beam. (Bait and Switch: "From Bajor to the Black, Part II") In 2410, a Borg cube under the control of One of One was able to disable USS Bajor's warp drive with a cutting beam strike to the starboard nacelle, before itself being destroyed by quantum torpedoes the Federation ship beamed aboard. (Bait and Switch: "A Voice in the Wilderness, Part III")
- This Borg weapon fires a beam weapon which was designed to penetrate a target vessels shields and hull in order to cut pieces of the hull for analysis for the possibility of technological assimilation. Though this was its primary role, it had the added benefit of being a powerful offensive weapon. The cutting beam had several different power settings namely light, medium and heavy though the last of those three required more power to maintain. (ENT episode: "Regeneration"; TNG episodes: "Q Who?", "The Best of Both Worlds, Part I", "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II"; ST video game: Starfleet Command III) By 2409 Starfleet, the Klingon Defense Force, and the Romulan Republican Force had reverse-engineered captured examples of the cutting beam, and their own version of the weapon began to appear on some vessels affiliated with Star Fleet Battle Group Omega. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)
- Borg starships were known to have the ability to generate cutting beams of great power, strong enough to slice sections of a starship, or even a planet, open with great precision. In conjunction with the Borg tractor beam, their cutting beams were used to "scoop" pieces of starships or cities for assimilation by Borg drones and collectives. (ENT: "Regeneration"; TNG: "Q Who" , "The Best of Both Worlds" , "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" ) The Borg used a cutting beam during their attack on the Tarkalean freighter but were attacked by Enterprise NX-01. Later, they also tried to perform the cutting beam on the hull of Enterprise until the ship was able to destroy the assimilated and upgraded Arctic One-type transport Arctic One. (ENT: "Regeneration") In the final draft script of "Regeneration", this type of beam was referred to as a "particle beam". However, it is given no name in the episode. According to writer Mike Sussman, the visual effect of the cutting beam was scripted to be like the effect in "The Best of Both Worlds" but cutting out the core was too expensive. ("Regeneration" audio commentary, ENT Season 2 Blu-ray special features) The USS Melbourne's saucer section was destroyed by a Borg cutting beam at the Battle of Wolf 359. The USS Saratoga was also hit by a cutting beam, suffering severe damage resulting in a warp core breach. During the battle, it was demonstrated that the cutting beam could also disintegrate large portions of enemy vessels rather than simply cutting into them, as occurred with the saucer section of the Melbourne. (DS9: "Emissary")